Dawn - What About Me?

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The day Luna left was one of the most frustrating days of my life. I felt like Luna had betrayed me. She was supposed to be my companion, my supporting character but she had abandoned me to make her own story.

The day had started off nicely enough. The cook had made me pancakes and brought them to my room. I remember seeing Luna going off to get her breakfast from the bakers. After I had finished my food I did my makeup however I got distracted and found myself staring out of the window at the river, I often found myself looking out at the river, for some reason it reminded me of freedom, of how life would be like after the tale. I snapped out of my daydream and headed down to see mother for my morning lessons. Halfway through eating etiquette, there was a knock on the door, it was a sharp knock and it was repeated when neither me nor mother responded.

"Come in..." my mother responded curtly. All the servants knew not to disturb us when we had our lessons, so this was extremely unusual. The door creaked open slowly and a man walked into the room. He was incredibly tall and slightly handsome. He was also quite young, maybe in his early twenties and if I was in the tale he could have been my prince coming to rescue me from the tower. He was wearing a white suit with back gloves. The suit was tailor-made and looked designer, but the gloves looked like they were made of cheap material and when I shook the man's hand my suspicions were confirmed.

"Luna?" He queried after he shook my hand. I was furious, I was never mistaken for my sister. I was much more important than her.

"No, Dawn" I replied politely, with my fists clenched in anger, I knew better than to express emotion around mother. When mother rose to her feet and walked over to the man I glared at him over mother's shoulder. They had a hushed conversation in which my mother kept on looking from me to the man. As I observed the man more thoroughly I noticed the crest on his tailcoat. It was the crest of the tale master! Only those instructed with getting people to and from the tales wore that crest! I was overjoyed. It was my time to go into the tale. Time for my story to begin.

Mother turned to me her shoulders were hunched, and she seemed to be shaking slightly, from her reaction I could have thought someone had just told her that her diamond necklaces had been stolen. Her eyes were filling with tears as she finally spoke

"Go to your art studio for a bit," She said shakily. I didn't understand what was happening. Why wasn't I being sent to pack my bags? I was supposed to be going into the tale!

I walked up to the studio and gathered all my paints before sitting on my seat in front of the easel. The painting of the Sunflower tower that I had been painting that week seemed to taunt me. Just like my dreams, it was unfinished. I glared up at it as I started to paint and felt the frustration flow out of me onto the canvas, painting always did this to me, I wasn't really paying attention to what I was painting, it was just the feeling of the brush on the canvas that I loved. When I turned my attention back to the art I found that it had taken a darker turn. The tower was finished but it was now covered in ivy and moss, not shiny and fresh like I had wanted it to be. Dogs that seemed to be made from a dark mist surrounded the tower and at the tower window was a girl, she had tan skin and long brown hair. I glared at her for a second. Her painted stare seemed to glare back. Then I realised that the girl looked surprisingly like Luna! Why on earth had I painted Luna in the tower! It was supposed to be me up there not her.

I set the canvass on the windowsill to dry. What was supposed to have calmed me down had ended up frustrating me even more. Nothing was going to go my way that day. As I tidied my workspace I heard shouting coming from the other side of the house. As it was from far away I could not hear the exact words it sounded like mother. I rose to my feet and shouted into the hallway

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