Orion - Five star service from the city guards

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"So..." Theodore said, tying string around the top of a cloth sack "What were those guys talking about?"

"Huh?" I muttered, looking up from the sack I was tying around the body's feet, "They were talking about how the guy died I think... seemed to be an unusual case, mentioned that a girl killed him, although I don't see how that would be odd..."

Theodores eyes lit up, "do you think it could have been Luna?"

"Possibly, although I hope not, those guys were not the nice type, even if it was her, she's probably long gone by now, I wouldn't stick around after killing someone"

I stepped back and admired our work, we had managed to wrap the body up in cloth sacks, making it look less like a body and more like a large rubbish bag, we had disguised the corpse, now we needed to get rid of it. The plan was to load the corpse into a wheelbarrow Theodore had found, wheel the body out of the city and then bury it in a remote corner of the countryside.

"Theo, can you help me lift this into the bin?" I asked, struggling to lift the body.

He stared at me horrified. "There's no way I'm lifting that Orion! It has very negative energy."

"Seriously..." I rolled my eyes "You cursed someone! You have no right to talk about negative energy, also you're a fairy, can't you use magic or something?"

"Fine" He muttered. Suddenly the body floated out of my arms and slammed itself into the barrow.

Then began the journey out of the city, Theodore pushed the wheelbarrow whilst I trailed behind, I judged that it wasn't normal for a fairy to push a wheelbarrow around the streets of the city from the amount of stares we got from shoppers and glares from shopkeepers. Luckily nobody stopped us until we reached the city gates, we were almost out when a guard spotted us, obviously thinking we were suspicious (which we were).

"Afternoon" He said casually "What have you got there?"

"Ummm," I panicked and stared at Theodore who shrugged "Just some rubbish."

"Why were you taking it out of the city then?" The guard asked.

"We're not from around here." Theodore interrupted "If there is somewhere we should be putting it just direct us over there and we will be out of your way."

"Oh, don't worry!" The guard smiled "I'll take it for you, it's good to see visitors trying to clean up after themselves."

"Why, that would be great" Theodore said, handing the wheelbarrow over to the guard with a smile. "Thank you ever so much!"

Theodore strode off back into the crowd. I ran after him. "What did you do that for?" I asked him, struggling to keep up with the fairy.

"Well, the body is no longer our problem is it?" Theodore replied.

"What happens when the guard goes to empty out the barrow?"

"We just need to be as far away as possible when that happens then, don't we?"

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