Orion - The story of Theodore Claw

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I dropped another log onto our roaring fire and went back to sit down beside Theodore. After the guard had taken the barrow it had only been a matter of hours until he would have discovered the body so we clearly couldn't stay in the city any longer. We would have probably left anyway, Theodore was convinced she had left, something about being able to sense the bracelet.

We had ended up back to square one. In the forest, with no supplies, and no idea of where to go. We couldn't go through any main towns or villages because we were probably now wanted for murdering someone.

"Could we go to the fairy kingdom?" I asked Theodore. "Maybe they would help us, I heard they don't really follow the king's rules."

"Maybe..." Theodore replied with a sigh. "I just don't really want to go back there, when I moved to Redwood forest I vowed never to go back.

"It's been 2000 years, maybe it's time to let whatever annoyed you go, you can't hold grudges forever."

"I just don't know if I can face them again after what they did, I was at the top of the world, and then they brought it all crashing down around me."

"What happened?"

"I was one of the members of the high council, you see the high council was very conservative. Back then they felt like fairies were above humans, probably still do now. They disapproved of my marriage to Elizabeth and so, to "Conserve the purity of the council" they gave her a bracelet as a wedding present. A cursed bracelet." He choked up "I think you know the rest of the story."

Tears ran down his face. We sat in silence, watching the fire crackle and burn in the darkness. The fire was beginning to die down so I got up to put another log on. "You know, I think it's time to go back to the kingdom, if not only to go and confront your past but also to help Luna. If they created the bracelet then maybe they know how to break the curse."

"Yes, I didn't think of it that way." He had a determined glimmer in his eye. "I think it's time we head over there and have a talk with the high council. Not for me," he added, "for Luna."

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