Luna - Things go very wrong

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Theodore smiled; it was a large smile, the first smile that seemed genuine. We went through to the living room and sat down. The room seemed lighter like it was embracing my presence. Theodore told me about all the wonders he could produce, all the spells he had learnt, filling my head with dreams and ideas, he even produced silver butterflies with the flick of his hand. His wings twitched excitedly when he talked about magic and he had an energetic grin on his face. He decided that it would be best for me to learn about sword magic. He told me that as I already had a magical knife it would be the easiest type of magic for me to learn. Sword magic focuses on channelling magic through the sword to make your use of the sword more powerful. I handed over Wolfblade for him to see and he spent a good fifteen minutes examining the blade, turning it over and muttering nonsense words to it. He then handed Wolfblade back to me.

"That is a very powerful weapon Luna," he said quietly, staring at the blade. "Where did you get it?"

"I was given it by a friend, I don't know where she got it from." The stay in Nullo-Loco seemed so long ago, it felt like a completely different life.

He sucked in his breath sharply and shook his head before looking me straight in my eyes. "You look after that knife," he said insistently, "then it will look after you when you need it."

He stood up suddenly and cleared his throat. "Right I have work to do, feel free to explore if you want, just don't go too far."

And with that, he spun dramatically around and strode out of the room. I stared after him, I got the feeling I would need to get used to his theatrics sooner or later. My stomach rumbled so I decided to navigate my way to the kitchen and get some snacks. The cupboards were stocked with food so I picked some items I was familiar with and some new items I had never heard of before. I figured that if they were mixed among the normal stuff they weren't dangerous. I then tried to get back to my room but ended up getting lost in the maze of corridors. After fifteen minutes of wandering around lost I ended up at the stairwell to the basement, there was a faint red glow coming from the basement and I could hear Theodore chanting. I was tempted to go down and spy on him, to find out what he was doing but I decided against it, I didn't want to get on his bad side again, especially after I had just been given a chance to prove myself. I continued through the corridors and eventually came to my room, I pushed open the door with a sigh of relief, feeling the warm sunlight hit my face. I threw my bag onto the bed and went to the bookshelf, scrolling through the titles until I found the one I had been reading that morning.

I went onto the balcony and flicked through the pages finally coming to where I had left off. I started reading, absorbing the knowledge, there were instructions on how to create cursed objects but I skipped over these as I had no need to ever want to curse someone, I was more interested in the curse breaking side of things. After I had read all the useful information on curse breaking in that book, I moved onto another one. There were surprisingly few books on how to break curses and most of the books that did mention curse breaking only mentioned it briefly before continuing to talk about great curse casters or the best metal to use for a cursed object. I could imagine how frustrated Elizabeth would have felt when trying to find out how she could break her curse. I put the books back on the shelf and flopped down onto my bed, I had been reading for hours and yet I hadn't made any progress whatsoever.

I took out the diary and flipped through the pages, not really paying any attention to the words, I didn't really feel like reading anymore. I sighed and lay on the bed looking up at the ceiling, this world was so much more complicated than my life in Cinderheath had been. I wish I could just go home and forget about this mess of princesses and princes. I held up Wolfblade and watched the light shine off the metal. How could a lump of metal be magical? I sighed and sat up, if I was going to be in this world forever I might as well get used to it, maybe create a plan of what I am actually going to do. I wandered around the room trying to find something to write on. I found an empty book and pen in a drawer. The book was quite fancy and had been covered by a layer of dust. It was a matching copy to the one Elizabeth had written in and I wondered whether it had belonged to her at one point. I sat down and began to write "Property of Luna Halleck" it felt right to begin the book in the same way Elizabeth's had begun. I then wrote down my thoughts about the last few weeks and my plan for the future. Writing everything really cleared my head and calmed me down.

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