Dawn - Witches and more Dragon drama

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Dawn – Witches and more Dragon drama

After a few hours of riding through the forest, we reached the tower. Biron looked up at it in awe, it was a similar to my first reaction. I stood there pleased with my navigation skills, I was afraid we would have gotten lost.

There was a slight pain in my chest, on the outside I was smiling but on the inside I was scared, what if when we met the princess I was forgotten? What if she was so much better than me that Biron didn't want to hang out with me anymore? I would be abandoned again. I looked over at Biron , he had a worried expression on his face but as soon as he saw me looking he gave a weak smile. I assumed it was just nerves.

Looking up at the tower again I realised something seemed off, It was around sunset and the glowing lights from the tower that usually lit up the night sky were dark and the clearing was unusually silent, even the stream seemed to be quieter than usual. We walked through the clearing to the door and found to our surprise a large slice mark through it, right through the decorative flower in the middle. The other carvings had been destroyed as well, the princess had been completely scratched out by what appeared to be claw marks. We looked at each other hesitantly as Biron pushed the door, it swung open easily.

The inside of the tower was in a worse state than the door. Even though I had never seen it before I assumed it didn't normally look that bad. The floor, which looked like it had once been covered in a light green moss was now stripped back the brown dirt underneath it, the moss was now rotting in small piles at the corner of the room. The stairs, that must have been smooth and varnished were now ingrained with scratches. It looked like a whole herd of animals had stampeded through the room, destroying the beauty in their path. Biron and I looked at each other in horror, whatever the tower was supposed to look like, it wasn't this. Something had gone horribly wrong. All worries about being forgotten disappeared as one thought rushed to the front of my mind. Was the princess ok? Did whatever do this damage also take the princess with it?

We climbed the stairs together, keeping close to the wall as some of the steps looked a bit fragile. They creaked and groaned as we climbed them. Some even cracked slightly as we stepped on them. After a perilous journey up the steps, we came to another door. It was hanging slightly open and the lock had been sliced completely in half like it had been as soft as butter. We went through, scared of the wreckage we would find on the other side. It was even worse than I had though could be. Even though neither of us had ever been into the tower before, we both assumed that it didn't usually look like a tornado had passed through it. We tiptoed into the room cautiously, even though it was calm we didn't know if the monster that had caused this was still here.

You could see that the rooms had once been breath-taking but now they looked like ruins. You could see the remains of its former glory, gold guided mirrors with large cracks running through them hung lopsidedly on the walls, books were strewn across the room and the bookshelf they had stood on had fallen onto the floor. The large sofa in the room looked like it had been chewed up by a thousand dogs. Biron stared around, a look of terror on his face.

"Is it supposed to be like this?" He whispered, his voice coming out in a squeak.

His hands were shaking slightly and you could see the terror in his eyes. I didn't want to tell him that something had definitely gone wrong as I feared that would tip him over the edge, cause him to completely freak out. I kept silent, hoping that it would give him the right impression. We moved into the next room which turned out to be the kitchen, although it didn't seem to look that much like a kitchen anymore. The only way we could tell it was the kitchen was from the assortment of knives which were sticking into the wall. I shivered and led Biron into the next room, and I drew my sword, I had been right about bringing it after all.

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