Luna - Every curse has a silver Lining

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I woke up to feel someone shaking my shoulder, it was dark and at first I thought we were under attack, but then I realised it was just Dawn waking me up for my night watch. I stood up and took my place next to the now dead fire as Dawn went to sleep. She could have at least kept it lit for me. Light wasn't a problem, the moon provided plenty of that but it was an incredibly cold night and I could have used the warmth that the fire would have provided. I pulled my cloak around myself and shivered, checking that Biron and Dawn were both asleep before pulling off my glove, I had seen Dawn looking at them when she woke me up and could tell she was a bit curious about them. It did look a bit suspicious, wearing gloves to sleep, especially ones as worn and dirty at these.

I looked down at my hand, it was now covered in a thick twisting maze of black lines. Even under my fingernails had begun to turn black. The darkness was also weaving its way up my arm as well, an invasive tattoo. It would only be a few days until it would have managed to spread above the glove and then I would have no choice but to tell the others the truth. I just didn't want to worry them, they already had so much to think about, especially as the dragon was already becoming a growing problem. I looked over towards the pale creature, you could almost see him growing by the second, he was about the size of a medium dog now and I could see him growing larger than a small car. He already knew about the curse, as soon as I had met the dragon he had stayed away from my cursed arm obviously avoiding it. The central jewel on the bracelet glinted up at me, mocking me. Those last few days I had felt my control over the curse slipping. I had to fight myself to stop my hand from going to attack things and this was a large problem as I held my knife in that hand. I would have never been able to defend myself in the city if the curse hadn't powered through me.

I had no idea what I was capable of now that I was cursed so I decided to spend the rest of my watch investigating what I could actually do, I stopped restraining the powers of the curse and felt them flow through me. It was a strange sensation and it felt like I wasn't fully in control of myself anymore, I didn't know whether this would make the curse spread quicker but I had decided that if I was going to eventually suffer I might as well discover the benefits, especially as we were now going to be permanently on the run and maybe needing to fight for our lives, a few evil powers might not go unappreciated. I picked a large log and took out my knife, with the curse surging through my veins I felt stronger and I found that the knife cut through the log easily, the edge of the blade had a dark mist emanating from it, when I looked at the side of the log I had just cut I noticed that it had the same dark mist coming from it, if I could cut through a log that easily I imagined what I could do to one of those dogs that had been chasing us earlier. I suddenly realised something, Dawn had told me she said that the tower had been attacked by dogs, just like the ones that had attacked us. Imagine being alone in the tower when they attacked, I couldn't imagine how scared Eda must have been.

I didn't want anything like that to happen to anybody I knew ever again. I wanted to be able to protect them and if that mean using the dark powers of the curse then so be it, I would hunt down every one of those dogs and kill them one by one. I looked down at my hand and realised it was smoking, the mist was radiating from my hand, waiting for me to use it again. I put my hand out and focused on a small branch on a nearby tree, the tendrils of mist burst out of my hand and wrapped themselves around the branch, snapping it from the tree and crushing it. I was incredibly pleased with that, I had become the master of the curse. I heard Biron shuffle in his sleep and realised it was time for us to swap over. I slid my gloves on again and woke Biron up before going to sleep. Nobody is going to ever hurt my friends, I thought to myself before falling asleep.

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