Luna - Wolfblade

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The city was a maze of streets and buildings, I nearly stepped on several people while riding my horse through the streets and I was given various dirty looks, turns out this was not the place to be riding a horse. Luckily, I managed to find a stable which was relatively close to the gates. I found the last coins in my bag and managed to pay for the horse to be kept for three days. As I paid I stared wistfully at the other horses in the stables, there was a pure black horse next to a pretty white stallion also in the stables and they looked much faster than my little pony. I would have been able to get to the city in half the amount of time. Unfortunately, after paying for the stables I was completely out of money and as I rummaged in my bag to try and find something for breakfast I realised I was completely out of food. I wandered around the streets trying to figure out what I should do. I had no food, no money and no place to stay. The swarms of people had ended up pushing me into a food market and my stomach growled hungrily, I decided I was going to have to steal something if I wanted to eat today. Even though I knew it was wrong, I justified it as borrowing food to help the starving and surely if the seller doesn't notice then there was no harm done!

I picked a stall that was selling large game pies, I figured one pie would probably last me around two days so I wouldn't need to steal any more today, just as I was planning out an elaborate scheme to distract the seller the hustle and bustle of the city provided me with one. A pack of large dogs came charging down just behind the sellers stall knocking him over, I saw two people turn to run and the dogs chasing after in pursuit. I didn't bother to see what happened next as I had already grabbed two of the biggest pies and started running. In the commotion, nobody even noticed what I had done. I slowed down to a casual walk and stuffed the extra pie into my bag. I sat down on a bench in a quiet square and began to munch my way through the pie. I wasn't planning to eat for the rest of the day so I savoured every bite. As I ate I noticed a group of men walking into the square. They looked rough and as they walked I noticed that people were crossing the street to avoid them. One of them pointed at me and I stiffened, I wanted to run but I decided to wait it out and hope they would just walk past me but unfortunately they came right up to me.

I slowly placed the rest of the pie into my bag and discretely pulled out Wolfblade, concealing it under my cloak just in case. Even though I didn't want to hurt anyone but I was willing to do anything to defend myself. The men swaggered up to me and surrounded the bench leaving me trapped.

"What do we have here?" the largest of the men said sneering at me. "She's a pretty catch!"

I shrunk back and pressed my back against the bench, I wanted someone to help me but everybody was just pretending not to notice. The men seemed to have received a signal from their leader as two of them wrenched me off my feet and started carrying me off, I kicked and struggled but they were much stronger than me. My struggling wasn't doing anything so I decided to save my strength. I had no idea where they were going to take me and nobody was helping. We even passed a group of palace guards and even though I cried out all they did was turn away ashamed. The group were taking me down a dark alley and I started struggling again. I had been taught about all the terrible things that happened to girls in alleyways. Eventually, they dropped me and I fell to the floor. I scrambled backwards and my back hit the wall. I realised that I was cornered. The men loomed in closer and I scrambled in my cloak to pull out Wolfblade. I stood up and pulled the knife out of its sheaf. Most of the men laughed but a few of them looked unsure. They weren't used to their victims being able to fight back.

One of the men tried to grab me and I pushed him away. I could feel my fear and anger building in my chest and decided that even though I was hideously outnumbered I might as well try to fight back, I held tightly onto the handle of Wolfblade and stabbed the blade into the closest moving object. It turned out to be a man's chest and as I pulled the blade out he gasped and stumbled backwards, even though I was horrified I refused to think of what I had done until it was all over. I continued to lash out blindly in the hope that it would either scare them away or hurt them enough that I could get away, eventually, they decided that I wasn't worth the trouble and left me to find another victim. At least I had managed to put a few of them out of action for a while.

Most of them ran off but there was one guy lying on the floor in a pool of blood. I was horrified at what I had done and sank to the floor shaking. Blood had dripped off the blade and had run down my hand and through my sleeve staining my glove dark red. I was covered in dark red stains and I realised that I had actually managed to somehow cut myself with my own blade. I pulled my cloak around me to try and hide the blood stains and ran out of the alleyway, away from the man I had just killed. I ran and ran as far as I could until I was out of breath. I had nowhere to go and I was desperate. The only place I knew how to get to was the palace. I walked to the palace with no idea of what I was going to do. All I knew was that I had to find somewhere to stay for the night. A crazy idea came to me, I decided that as I had already killed a guy today how bad would sneaking into the palace be? It was so big and there were probably loads of rooms that I could stay in and nobody would notice me, what's the worst thing that could happen?

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