Luna - Where are we?

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I opened my eyes to find myself in a dark cave, it was all my fault Dawn had been taken by those dogs. If I had just tried harder I would have been able to grab hold of her and drag her to safety. I hadn't been able to control the curse and it had swallowed me. I remembered standing there unable to move as the tendrils wrapped around me, as Dawn was dragged away. I was sucked into darkness Even with my eyes open l I couldn't see anything and the sounds of the dogs were muffled by the tendrils over my ears. At that moment I was nothing, just a floating consciousness in a black abyss, untouchable by reality. Not even pain could reach me. I was safe from the dogs, protected by the dark bubble, like it or not, the curse had saved my life

As my eyes adjusted, I was able to see more clearly and could make out shapes in the darkness. The cave I was in seemed to be connected to a series of tunnels. I realised that I could see Dawn slumped in a corner, Lantern curled up on her lap. Dawn opened her eyes groggily, letting out a small groan. I ran over to her as she tried to stand, she gave a small yelp and fell down back onto the cold stone floor.

"You ok?" I asked her in concern.

"Yeah, I think so" She said moving her fingers "I think I've hurt my ankle though."

She looked around and her eyes widened "Luna" she said, "Where are we? Where's Biron?" Lantern, rubbed around my legs. As I reached down to stoke him I realised that the jewel on the bracelet was cracked and small cracks were splitting across the rest of the gems. Suddenly with an almighty crack, the entire bracelet split in half and fell off my wrist clattering to the floor. I stood in silence, staring at the broken bracelet. The split had gone right through the middle of the photo of myself in the locket and I stared down at the distressed girl in the photo, how much had changed since that image had appeared. Dawn hobbled over to where I was standing and put her hand on my shoulder, looking down at the bracelet.

We both stared at the bracelet in silence before I looked at my arm. The dark vines that had once covered it were now retreating, disappearing from my skin. Most of the tendrils had disappeared but I was left with a strange symbol on my arm. It looked like a dark eye, that I swore I saw blink. Coming off the eye were swirling rays of darkness which seemed to sway slightly as I moved my arm. I stared at the symbol, mesmerised by it and I moved my arm this way and that, watching the symbol react to my movements. I flexed my hand and produced a dark mist, I still had my powers, but the mist seemed different somehow. Less dark. Less dangerous and threatening. Maybe something I could embrace rather than fear. I grinned at Dawn in the darkness and she grinned back. We stayed in silence, enjoying the peace and quiet.

We were safe, for now...

The end...

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