Luna - Reunited at last

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As I was walking around the outside of the palace I noticed a rusted grate in the ground, I looked around and as nobody was looking in my direction I pulled it up, the opening led down to a tunnel that looked enough for me to crawl through. I dropped into the tunnel and pulled the grate back into its place. There as just enough space for me to squeeze through, my backpack scraping the ceiling. I crawled for ages, I was beginning to wonder if I had crawled past the palace. Eventually I started to see light up in front of me. I came to a vent in the floor of the tunnel and when I pulled it up I could see a white marble floor underneath me. It was quite a long way down and as I lowered myself through it, I ended up falling and landing on the floor with a large thud. After I had recovered I stood up and stared back up at the large hole I had fallen through, unfortunately, there was no way for me to replace the vent so it would just have to stay open. I looked around the hall I had fallen into in amazement, It must have been one of the basement levels of the palace. I suddenly heard voices nearby and they seemed to be coming closer, I spotted a unlit staircase leading off the corridor, so I headed down it, fortunately the door at the end of it wasn't locked. I lit my oil lamp and headed inside, discovering I had wandered upon an old library, it was the perfect place to stay.

I absentmindedly wandered around the library looking at all of the books. I ended up going up to the second floor where a specific section caught my eye. There was an area dedicated to curses. If ever there was a book that could cure my curse it would be in the royal library, if I couldn't find a cure here then there probably wasn't one. I took off my bag and laid it up against the bookshelf as I browsed the various tomes on the shelves.

I heard the door creak open. I pulled my hood over my head, blew out my lantern and pulled out my knife but it was only a couple of teens who seemed more interested in the fantasy section so I relaxed slightly. I moved to pick up by bag but somehow it got caught on the book next to it, the book fell from the shelf and, before I could catch it, fell to the floor. To me, it made a giant sound that seemed to echo through the entire room, I hoped nobody had heard it.

I looked around the bookshelves warily and a book caught my eye, it was a biography, on no other than Elizabeth Dare. I was so interested in it that I didn't notice the teens disappear from the fantasy section and creep up the stairs towards me. They must have heard the book fall after all. I only realised something was wrong when I heard a small gasp, I pulled my eyes away from the book and found myself staring at a blonde headed girl. Her long blonde hair was incredibly beautiful and reminded me of my sister's ,but the girl had a rough look about her, my sister would never be caught dead with such tanned skin. She turned to call for her friend and I drew my knife, I didn't want her alerting any of the guards because if they did, I would most certainly be dead. I pressed the tip of my knife against her neck, daring her to move. My eyes flicked to her shoulder where a boy had appeared, he looked just as terrified as the girl did. I relaxed slightly, these kids weren't going to be any trouble. Even so, I kept the blade to the girl's neck.

I stared at the boy for a few seconds and something dawned on me, I realised that I had seen his face on missing posters all around the city, he was the prince. I felt myself starting to panic if the prince was down here then the guards would be following in pursuit and any minute now I would be overwhelmed by soldiers. I glanced over at the door fearfully but nobody entered. I then remembered someone in Hemlock had told me, that Dawn had run away with the prince? There was all the chance that the blonde girl in front of me was Dawn, I lowered the knife. If she was Dawn I didn't really want to kill her.

"Dawn?" I asked, my voice husky from shouting all day, it was worth a shot. If the girl wasn't Dawn then I wouldn't have lost anything.

"Yes?" the girl replied, quietly. I was overjoyed but then I realised how terrified she must be. As far as she knew a stranger had almost killed her.

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