Orion - A deal is made.

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Theodore was shaking as we walked through the village, it was clear that this place brought many painful memories back for him. Without saying a word Theodore strode inside the town hall, I trailed after him, in awe of the dominating building. The young fairy at the reception desk went white when she saw Theodore.

"Good, afternoon, sir." She stammered, staring at him "Would you like me to alert the rest of the High Council about your presence sir?"

"That won't be necessary, I would like to make a surprise entrance... Oh and by the way, is Asteria still head of the council?"

"Yes sir."

"Perfect." Theodore replied, flicking his cloak as he twirled around and strode towards a set of grand doors.

I shrugged apologetically to the receptionist who was standing behind the desk in a stunned silence before following after Theodore. He pushed open the doors, striding into a large circular hall. Around the circle stood seven thrones, on which six fairies were in deep conversation. They fell silent as they saw Theodore.

"Hello. I'm back." He said dramatically and the silence fell away into an uproar as every fairy spoke at once, only quieting back down when one of the fairies, a woman dressed in all white stood up.

"Why Theodore." She said coldly with a forced smile "I wasn't expecting you here."

"I suppose you weren't." He replied, walking up to her "Not after you cursed my wife, we used to be such good friends Asteria, shame that came to such a bitter end."

"How is Elizabeth then?" Asteria asked, a smirk appearing on her face.

"You killed her." Muttering echoed around the room from the other fairies, the smirk disappeared from Asteria's face. "But I'm not here for Elizabeth, your little curse had latched on to another victim and you are going to break it for me."

"I will do no such thing." Asteria replied, puffing out her wings and rising to her full height, "Elizabeth deserved to die, and if that girl was foolish enough to put on the bracelet then so should she, she is only human, after all."

I could tell this was a dangerous thing to say, Theodore's eyes flashed with anger, he matched Asteria's stance, glaring at her. "How dare you, have you not caused enough harm already? Are you that sick and twisted that you think an innocent girl deserves to die? I should have torn this kingdom down whilst I had the chance."

It was like watching a fight between two gods, the room was filled with the two fairies' power. One of the other fairies beckoned me. I scurried over to him, glad to no longer be in the middle of the argument. He smiled kindly at me, shielding me under his wing, just in case things went south.

"You will help Luna, no matter what you may think. For if you don't, may the gods protect you." Theodore continued, "for I will tear this kingdom down and reduce you to the nothing you reduced me to and you all know I will succeed."

Asteria stood in silence staring at Theodore. Another fairy stood up and put a hand on her shoulder, "Give it up," he said calmly "You are not going to win this fight."

Asteria slumped and looked back at the other fairies, they all stared coldly back at her. It seemed most of them were on Theodore's side. "Fine," she said "I will undo the curse, but there will be a catch."

Theodore smiled "Now that's more cooperative isn't it, what catch do you have in mind?"

Asteria, muttered something to him and before they both turned to look at me.

"Orion," Theodore said "Why don't you go wait outside for a bit, there are matters we have to discuss."

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