Orion - How quickly things change

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Where was she? Thoughts raced around my head as I stood in front of the closed door. I knocked again, no reply. She wouldn't have gone out without me would she? She had no one to go out with, apart from Biron... he had just left, Dawn certainly wasn't with him when he paraded out of town to save the princess.

I walked round to the back, hopping over the small fence, maybe she just hadn't heard me? I got around to the back window, the room was dark. Oddly enough, there were no clothes or belongings strewn around the room. It looked spotless; Dawn's room was never spotless. Something definitely wasn't right.

I walked back to the front of the house baffled. Where was she? I wandered back through the village wondering what to do with the rest of my day. We were heading off that afternoon, so I'd been planning to spend the morning with Dawn but if she had gone off somewhere without me then I guess that wasn't happening. Niobe was chatting to Diana as I got back to our stall. I walked over to them, breaking into their conversation.

"You guys haven't seen Dawn?" I asked.

"Lost her, have you?" Niobe commented. "I saw her going off on horseback early this morning, it seems your girlfriend might have ditched you."

"Niobe!" Dianna interrupted before she could go any further, "don't be so harsh with your brother."

Niobe rolled her eyes and stalked off

"She's not my girlfriend!" I yelled at her back.

I walked off in the other direction, finding a quiet corner before kicking the wall. Pain throbbed through my foot, Niobe, although I hated to admit it, was right. Dawn had ditched me for Biron. I had known her for longer, surely we were better friends. What did he have that I didn't? Apart from being the prince of course...

Just then Diana put an end to my sulking by calling me over to help lift some boxes into the cart. Oh well.. there was no point in moping around when there are things to be done. After we packed up the stall we said our goodbyes to Niobe and headed on our way to the next village, as was the way with most traders we only stayed in one place for a few days. I sat on the back of the cart watching Hemlock disappear behind the trees. Things had really changed since we had arrived just a few days ago, I used to really look forward to visiting but the most recent events had somewhat soured my liking for the village.

I picked up the list of places we would be visiting before we reached the next town and scanned through them, most of them weren't that interesting, just regular customers which I would have to give my rehearsed sales pitch to. Then I spotted that Theodore was on the list, I frowned, we usually waited till we had something particularly interesting before visiting him, why were we going now?

"Dianna?" I called out, climbing over several crates to get closer to her. "Why are we visiting Theo again so soon?"

"Oh, I thought you might spot that." She replied, not bothering to turn back to look at me. "Apparently he wants to talk to you, why though I've got no clue."

I sighed, it was just like Theodore to do something like that, once he requested we visit just so he could show us the rare flowers he had been growing. Even so, it cheered me up to know that we would be visiting him, he was such an odd character. Maybe I might get to meet his apprentice properly as well, if she was as eccentric as him then it could be quite an interesting afternoon.

After selling a goblin some deodorant, a pixie a pretty lamp and a school of talking fish some hairbrushes we finally arrived at Theodore's house. At first I thought he wasn't home, the curtains were drawn and the pony that usually was standing lazily in the stables had gone but then I heard a crash and a loud shout from inside cottage. I jumped off the cart, strolled over to the door and knocked. Theodore was muttering to himself on the other side before I heard the lock click and the door slid open.

I stared at Theodore wide eyed, something clearly wasn't right, his face was pale and he had dark circles under his eyes. Probably most concerning however was the large cut on his hand which he was trying to unsuccessfully wrap up in a small towel.

"Mate, what's happened to you?" I asked, still standing in the doorway "How'd you hurt your hand?"

"Oh I just dropped a bottle that's all." Theodore replied distractedly, ignoring the small pool of blood dropping to the floor by his feet "Do come in."

I walked behind Theodore into the living room, taking care not to step on the small trail of blood he was leaving as he walked. I noticed there was lots of feathers scattered around the room, do fairies malt when they are stressed? I sat down on the sofa and waited for Theodore to speak, usually I would make a joke or something to start the conversation, but I didn't feel like this was the right moment.

"Want a drink?" He asked, pouring himself a shot of whisky.

I opened my mouth to reply before locking eyes with Dianna, she glared back at me. "I'm good... for now." I replied with a sigh, glaring right back at her.

"Right, did you want to see us for some reason or just to drink with us?" She said turning to Theodore.

He ignored her and sunk down onto the armchair opposite me with a large sigh. "I was rather hoping I could just talk to Orion for a tick"

Dianna looked slightly hurt but did not comment as she left the room, shutting the door behind her. Theodore watched her go in silence, waiting for the latch to click shut before he turned to me and spoke "I just didn't thing your overprotective guardian would like you to hear this" He leaned in closer before continuing "I'm a monster. I have unleashed the very curse that took my own Elizabeth away from me onto another girl." His eyes watered up and he turned away for a second.

"Who?" I asked foolishly, I had never seen Theodore with anyone, apart from that apprentice last time we visited... I gulped "No."

He nodded, pouring himself another drink "I vowed never to let that happen again, I was so stupid, Orion." He said his hands shaking as he held the glass.

"Where is she?" I asked, rising up from my seat but Theodore placed his hand on my arm and sat me back down.

"Oh, she's long gone, I couldn't bear to see that horrible curse again." A tear trickled down his cheek, he wiped it away with the sleeve of his blazer, only succeeding in rubbing blood from his cut over his face. I handed him the clean handkerchief that was on the side table and he blew his nose.

"I need to find her Orion; I need to find her. I can't let her die alone..."

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