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Like father like daughter?

We're sitting at the table, my mom's putting the food on the table. "Here you go" she says while she scoops some potatoes on my plate, I smile as an answer. There's been this weird vibe in the house for over a week now and i just can't ignore it. I take a bite from my food and i look at my dad, he's looking at his phone constantly. He's been doing that the whole day, I really wonder why. "Dad is something wrong?" I ask and he looks up from his phone, "No no everything is fine, don't worry bambi" he says. Bambi, that's his nickname for me. I have long legs and big eyes according to him so he's been calling me bambi for as long as i can remember.

"Okey" I say and he smiles at me. I continue eating, my mom and my dad give each other looks. I really don't get what they're doing.

When we're finished with dinner i'm done, "Guys just tell me what is going on" I say and i look at them. "Nothing you should worry about bambi" my dad and i sigh, "I can handle it" I say and my dad smiles. He walks up to me and he grabs my hand, "I know you can handle it, but you don't need to. It's for the best if you don't know" he says and i frown. "I really don't get what the fuck is going on" I say with a sharp voice and i get up from the table. "I don't like it when you baby me" I say while i look at my dad, "I'm 18 now, i'm old enough to be involved" I say and my dad smiles at me. And i groan, "You know what fine! I'll be upstairs, why don't you come and find me when you're gonna tell me what the hell is going on!? You guys have been acting weird for over a week now!" I yell and i get up from the table. "Bambi-" my dad says but i interrupt him, "Don't" I say and i'm about to walk to the stairs when i hear sirens coming closer, I frown, I look at the window and i see the blue and red lights shining through the curtains. "Why is there police at our house?" I ask and my dad quickly gets up from his chair, "It's time" he says to my mom while he grabs his phone. The doorbell rings and a policemen tells us to open the door. I look at my parents, my mom also gets up and they walk to the backdoor. "I'm sorry bambi, I'll explain everything later" my dad says. Now the police officers are literally pounding on the door, I look to the front door and i can see that's it shaking. "Open up now or we'll do it for you!" I hear a man yelling. I look back to the backdoor but i'm too late, my dad's already gone.

He left the door open and i can feel the cold breeze hit my face. 

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