Chapter 32

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When it's exactly 3pm the doorbell rings, I quickly get up from the bench and I open the door. When I open the door I immediately look into Corbyn's face, "Hey" he says with a smile, "Hey" I reply and I also smile. I quickly put on my coat, I exit the house and I close the door behind me. "Let's go" Corbyn says with a smile and we start to walk to the fair. I think it's a 10 minute walk and I'm enjoying every minute of it. At first it's a bit awkward but after 5 minutes it's amazing. Corbyn and I are just joking around and talking like we always do.
Then we arrive at the fair, "You ever went to a fair?" I ask and Corbyn nods, "Well believe me when I say that this is the most over the top fair you ever been to" I say and Corbyn laughs. I am speaking the truth tho, this fair is so extra it's unbelievable. But since it's located in a very rich and over the top neighborhood I kinda get it.
"Do you want to go in the ferris wheel?" Corbyn asks and I nod, "Yeah sure!" I say and we walk up to the ferris wheel. We stand in the line and when it's time to pay for the ticket I immediately reach to my pocket to grab some money but Corbyn stops me. "I'm taking you on a date so i'm paying" he says and he immediately pays our tickets. "But I want to pay" I say and Corbyn laughs. "Well too bad for you" he says and I also laugh. We get in the ferris wheel and sit next to each other. When we're at the top we stop for a minute or so and I look at the view, "It's so beautiful up here" I say and Corbyn smiles. He grabs my hand and he scoots closer to me, I hold his hand tightly and I lay my head on his shoulder while i look at the view. I like this, I like the feeling this gives me.
When we're back down we go to this little stall where you need to throw balls at cups. If you win you can pick out a stuffed animal. "Oeh shall we do this?" I ask and Corbyn nods, "Yeah sure!" he says and he pays the man so we can both throw some balls. I grab a ball and I smile, "I'm so bad at this, I've literally never won anything" I say and Corbyn laughs, "Well that makes two of us". I pick up a ball and I throw it at the cups, and omg i hit one!!! "What did you say? You were bad at this?" Corbyn says and I laugh. "Well this is a first I can tell you that" I say and he laughs. He also picks up a ball and he throws it, he misses... He immediately bites his lip, "Well you got two more chances" I say trying to cheer him up. "True" he says and he smiles when he looks at me, I grab another ball and I aim. I throw the ball and I hit it again!!! Wow how am I so good at this? I've literally never been good at this. "I'm not good at this" Corbyn says with a high voice trying to imitate me, I laugh, "Well I used to be super bad at this" I say and he nods. "Yeah right, I definitely do not believe that anymore" he says and I laugh. Then it's his turn again and he picks up a ball and he throws it, it's next to the cup again.... I see that he's pretty ashamed cause he keeps missing, I feel bad for him. "Hey it's okey if you miss the aim" I say and he looks at me, "Yeah okey, but i wanted to win a stuffed animal for you" he says and I smile. Why is he so sweet? "Well there are enough stalls here where you can win stuffed animals" I say and he nods, "Okey true. Well it's you turn again, I bet you're gonna hit it again" he says and I laugh. "No you put pressure on me, I bet it's gonna miss" I say and he laughs, "Just throw the ball" he says and I smile. "Okey okey" I say and I pick up the ball, I aim and I throw the ball, and i miss the cup. "See" I say and Corbyn shakes his head. "You just did that on purpose" he says and I shake my head no, "I swear i didn't do that, I just always mess up if people pressure me" I say and he nods. "Yeah i have that too, maybe that's why i'm messing this up so bad. I wanted to win a stuffed animal for you so bad that that was the only thing that i could focus on" he says and I grab his hand. "Well you don't have to win anything for me, I'm already super happy that you asked me out" I say and I smile, he smiles as an answer and then grabs a ball. He aims and then he throws the ball and he hits the cup!!! "Omg yaayy" I say and I hug him cause of happiness. He wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly. "See" I say, "You can do this" I add and he smiles. We let go of each other and we look at the man. "Can we combine our shots?" I ask that man and he nods. "Didn't you used to come here with your dad?" the man asks and I nod. I fear what he's gonna say and feel vulnerable, then i feel a hand grabbing mine and I look at Corbyn and I smile. "I'm so sorry what's happening to your family" the guy from the stall says, I'm kinda stunned by what he says. "Oh uhm thanks" I say and I smile at him. "Well you can pick out any stuffed animal you want" he says and I look at Corbyn. "Which one do you want?" I ask and he shakes his head, "That's not how this works Mia, you pick one" he says and he laughs. "Okeeyy" I say and I look at all the stuffed animals. Then I see a cute elephant. "Is the elephant okey?" I ask Corbyn and he smiles, "If you want that one we'll take that one" he says. "Can we please have the elephant?" I ask and the man nods. He grabs it and he hands it over to me, "Here you go, I hope you have a wonderful day" he says and I smile, "Thanks you too" I reply and then Corbyn and I walk to a different stall. 

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