Chapter 3

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When it's 6pm I hear a car coming closer, I immediately jump up from my bed and i run to my window. I see the black rolls royce approaching our house and a smile appears on my face. I run down the stairs and i walk to the front door, I open it and I watch my parents argue. "Hey" I say with a soft voice, "Oh hey!" my dad says and he starts to walk up to me, "Sorry we're home this late, it's just a super busy period right now" he says. I just nod as answer and they enter the house. "So dad is everything okey?" I ask and he nods, "Yeah yeah everything's fine, no need to worry bambi" he says.

When the dinner's ready we all sit down at the table while my mom puts the food on our plates. We all eat in silence and it's pretty awkward, my dad's constantly looking at his phone and it's starting to annoy me. "Dad could you please stop looking at your phone?" I ask and he smiles at me, "Of course Bambi" he says and he puts his phone in his pocket, I smile back at him.

When we're done eating i help my mom with cleaning up the table, when I'm done with that i walk back to my room. I've spent the day watching netflix, I've been kinda obsessed with the series you, it's such a fascinating series. I sit down at my bed and i grab my laptop and my little notebook. I'm going to start with my new story, maybe it'll make me feel better.

When i just finished the intro someone knocks on my door, "Come in" I say while i close my laptop and i put it on my nightstand. "Hey Bambi" my dad says while he enters my room, he sits down at my bed and he grabs my hand. "So i need to tell you something" he says, "What?" I ask. "So if something happens to me, I need you to take care of yourself okey?" my dad says and i frown. "So i already took care of the house, you can still live here and you don't need to worry bout paying rent or anything. But you'll still need money to buy food and do fun things" my dad says. "Dad what are you talking about? Nothing's gonna happen to you right?" I ask confused and kinda scared. I really don't want anything to happen to him. "No no nothing's gonna happen but just in case. So money" he continues. "I've been putting money aside for you since the day you were born. When i almost went bankrupt i didn't touch it at all. I always knew that if something happened to me i wanted that you would be able to still live the life you deserve to have. I've put it all on a new account" he says while he grabs a creditcard out of his pocket, "Here it's yours now" he says while he hands me the card. "Dad what's going on? This is all kinda freaky" I say and he smiles. "Nothing's going on bambi, I swear. I just realized that if something happens i want you to be safe so i just took care of it immediately" he says and i frown. "Well okey then" I say and i put the card on my nightstand. "So goodnight bambi" he says and he kisses me on my forehead, "Goodnight" I say confused and he leaves my room. 

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