Chapter 15

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We're sitting at the couch with a cup filled with hot chocolate, our snacks are laying between us. I put my hot coco down and i pull a blanket up to my nose, I grab my hot coco again and i look at my mom. "Ready?" she asks and i smile, "Yesss" I answer, my mom smiles back at me and she starts the movie.

When the intro sound starts we both start to imitate the sounds, it's something we always do, when the intro is finished we both laugh.

Then the movie really starts and we both focus on the movie.

When the movie's over my mom and i both go to bed, it's now around 10pm and i need to wake up at 6am tomorrow :(. Not looking forward to that, but i do look forward to school! To see Corbyn again!

I walk up the stairs and i enter my room, I sit down at my little make up table and i take off my makeup, then i put my hair up in a messy bun and i walk to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and then i change into my pj's, it's just a simple two piece set. I have black shorts and then a long sleeve black t-shirt over it. It's made of this supersoft material, it's super comfy! I get in bed and i turn on my little light next to my bed, I grab my book again and i start reading. I've been kinda addicted to the book, it's so cool! And when you're reading you get more and more questions, so you don't wanna stop with reading so you just continue.

Before i know it it's already 11pm and i really need to sleep. I turn off my lights and i put my book away, I set my alarm for the morning and i lay down.

The next morning the annoying beeping sound my alarm makes wakes me up, I rub my eyes and i grab my phone, it's exact 6am. I turn on my little light and I need to blink a couple times cause it's too bright.

Then i get out of my bed and i walk to my bathroom, I'm not gonna make my hair wet today, I make a new bun and i put a little shower cap on. I get in the shower and i wash my body.

After like a minute of 5 I get out the shower and i wrap myself in one of the soft towels, I walk to my room and i pick out an outfit. Today i'm wearing some simple blue jeans and a pink sweater on top. I sit down at my little make up table and i put some concealer and mascara on.

I brush my hair and i put it back up in a bun, we're having physical education today so i need to bring my gym clothes. I grab some simple black leggings and a pink shirt for over it. I walk to my window and i open my curtains, OMG it snowed!! A huge smile immediately appears on my face, I grab my stuff and i immediately run down the stairs. My mom's already sitting at the breakfast table, "Goodmorning sweetie" she says, "Goodmorning" I reply and i sit down across her. "It snowed!!" I say and she smiles, "Yeah i saw! I heard that there's gonna be a snowstorm next week so i'm going to do some grocery shopping today just in case" my mom says. "You know we have reporters outside right?' I ask and she nods, "I know, I think it's time for me to go out of the house" she says and i just nod.

When i finished my breakfast i walk to the little bench and i put on my black boots and a thick winter coat. Since it's snowing i also grab a scarf and i wrap it around my neck. I walk to the door, "See you after school!" I say and my mom smiles, "Don't forget to ask if Corbyn wants to eat here!" she says and i nod.

I open the front door and i of course all the reporters immediately aim their cameras at me, I take a deep breath and i walk to my car.

I smile while i'm walking cause of the sound it makes whenever i take a step. The snow is still fresh so whenever you put your foot on it it makes a sound.

I put my backpack in the car, I need to get the snow off of my windows first before i can drive. While i'm doing that all the reporters are asking questions but i just ignore them. When i'm finally done with getting the snow off of my windows i quickly get in my car, I should've worn gloves my hands are freezing right now.

I start the car, turn on the heat and i drive to school.

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