Chapter 59

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Corbyn and I are sitting in the car on our way to school, my mom called the principal last night to tell him we're coming and that he should be expecting us, plus that we won't be at school today. Corbyn is driving and I'm just looking at the houses we're passing, "You okey babe?" Corbyn asks and he puts his hand on my leg, "Yeah yeah I'm fine" I say and I grab his hand and hold it tightly. To be honest, I'm quite nervous about going back to school, I have to walk to the hallway where it happened, where Chad almost abused me.
Corbyn parks the car and we get out, he grabs my hand and we intertwine our fingers. Before we enter the school I take a deep breath, Corbyn smiles at me, I nod and we enter the school. I immediately see our lockers, where it all happened. I hold Corbyn's hand even tighter than I already did, I feel that I slowly start to shake again. It all comes back now, I feel his hands on my body again and I his lips trying to kiss mine. I speed up and I almost drag Corbyn with me to the principal's office. We sit down and we wait for him to enter his office.
"You okey?" Corbyn asks again and I just nod, "I'm fine, it just all comes back now" I say and Corbyn nods understanding. Then the principal enters the office, "So miss Scott and mister Besson, you guys wanted to talk to me?" he says and he sits down across us. "Yeah" I start and Corbyn grabs my hand for support.

"That went pretty good right?" Corbyn asks and I nod, "I honestly doubted if he would take it seriously, but I'm glad he did" I say and Corbyn nods, "Yeah me too". "So now to the police station" I say when we get in the car, "Yep" Corbyn replies and he starts the car.
When we get there Corbyn grabs my hand and squeezes it, "It'll be okey" he says and I nod. We enter the building and take a seat in the waiting room. Luckily for us the police takes this really serious and they immediately call us in the room. "So physical assault" the police officer says while he opens his notebook, I just nod as an answer, "My name is Dan. So could you tell us what happened?" he asks and I nod, "Oh and please be as detailed as possible" he adds. "Okey so uhm, I was at my lockers waiting for my boyfriend and then Chad walked up to me" I say and I take a deep breath, Corbyn grabs my hand and he squeezes it, I smile at him and continue, "So uhm he's been making some comments about my body for a little while now but I never thought that he would uhm, that he would touch me" I say and the officer nods understanding. "So uhm I tried to ignore him but he walked straight up to me and he started talking to me, he said that he saw my boyfriend wasn't around and that he could do whatever he wanted to me now" I say and my voice starts to shake. The officer nods again and he takes some notes, "And I told him that that wasn't true and he told me that we'll see about that" I say and I take a deep breath to calm myself. It's okey he's not here, you're safe. "I told him that we wouldn't see about that and that I wasn't interested in him so he needed to move on, I think he didn't really like that cause he took a step closer to me, I tried to walk backwards but my back was already against my locker" I say and I feel my eyes get watery when I think back about what happened, "It's okey take your time" the officer says and I smile, I take a sip of my water and continue. "He looks at me with this evil grin and makes me feel really uncomfortable, I asked him to take a step back and he told me he could but he wouldn't" I say and I take another sip of my water, the first tear rolls down my cheek now but I don't bother to wipe it away. "He looked at me from my face to my toes and back up and he made me feel really uncomfortable, he grabbed my chin and told me that he could make me come so much harder than my boyfriend could" I say leaving out the part where he called Corbyn boney cause I know he's insecure about that. The officer nods and he writes a lot down, as soon as he's done writing he looks back up to me, "So what happened next?" he asks with a sweet and gentle voice, "Well I turned my head to get it out of his grip and I tried to push him away but he was way too strong for me" I say and I take a pause. I take another sip of water and a deep breath, the tears are now slowly rolling down my cheeks, Corbyn's hand is now rubbing my back and he's comforting me, I squeeze his hand and continue. "He places his hand on my hip and slowly goes up to the edge of my shirt, his hand goes underneath that and he reaches the bottom of my bralette" I say and I shiver, I again feel his hand on my body and Corbyn stops with rubbing my back. He hold my hand even tighter and smiles at me, "I was wearing a lace bralette and he told me he loved lace and I was still trying to get him off of me, I told him to keep his hand off of me but he didn't listen. No one was around so no one could help or something, I kept trying to remove his hands and pushing him away but he was just way too strong" I say and the tears are now streaming down my face, I look down, "Sorry" I say and I grab a tissue from the table to dry my face. "Don't be sorry, I totally get that, when your ready please continue" he says and I nod. I take a sip of water and I continue again, "Cause he was too strong his hand slowly traveled up to the side of my boob and this is where I really start to panic, I yelled that he needed to let go off me and that he needed to stop touching me but he just didn't listen" I say and my face is wet from the tears. "He didn't care that I was almost crying and he told me that I was so hot and he bit his lip when he told that" I say and I take another sip of water, I take a few deep breaths and continue again. "Then he leans into and he pushes his lips against mine, I immediately turned my head away. Then I heard footsteps approaching really quick and tried to see who it was but he was blocking my view. Then I see a fist swinging against Chad's jaw and he fell onto the ground, I looked who hit him and I saw my boyfriend Corbyn" I say and I look at Corbyn. The officer nods, "So what happened next?" he asks, "Well Corbyn picked me up and carried me to my car and he drove me home" I say and the officer nods. "So did you know that guy? Like his name or could you give us a good description of how he looked so we can try to find him?" he asks. "His name is Chad" Corbyn says with anger in his voice, I put my hand on Corbyn's leg to make him calm down a bit, he looks at me and the anger disappears from his face. "Do you happen to know his last name?" the officer asks and I nod, "His name is Chad Brown" I say and the officer nods. "So we're gonna find that guy and file a restraining order against him so he can't come near you, plus he's gonna get a record which will give him some trouble to get into colleges later" he says.
During the rest of the talk I'm kinda in my thoughts to i did not fully listen to what the officer told us, but Corbyn payed attention so he knows everything, we're now in the car on our to Walmart to buy some groceries since we literally have nothing. 

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