Chapter 23

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*beep beep beep* is the sound that wakes me up, I sigh and I turn on the little lamp next to my bed. I almost didn't sleep last night, I just kept thinking about that delivery guy and if I could get my mind off him I thought of Corbyn and all the embarrassing things I said. I swing my legs out of my bed and I walk to my bathroom, I grab a towel and I turn on the shower, I quickly wash my body. Then I wrap myself in a towel and I walk to my closet while dripping water on the floor.
Again it takes me some time to decide what the hell I'm gonna wear, after some time I decide to go for some blue mom jeans and a black sweater. I sit down at my little make up table and I do my make up, I usually only do some mascara and my brows, but today I decide to go for a little bit of highlighter too. I've seen a lot of girls putting highlighter in their inner corner so imma try that too.
When I'm done with that I quickly pack my bag and I walk down the stairs, my mom's already sitting at the kitchen table. "Morning" I say while I put my bag next to the door. "Goodmorning sweetie" mom replies, I grab a bowl, cereals, milk and a spoon and I sit down across my mom. "How are you feeling?" I ask and my mom smiles at me, "I'm fine, don't worry about me okey? I was just a bit sad I didn't get the job yesterday, but I'll search for a new job and I'll get it okey?" my mom says. I just nod as an answer, I know she's trying to keep herself strong for me, but I can easily read her. She's not feeling fine at all, but I'm not gonna argue with her at this time.
"I'm going to school now, Corbyn will probably be here in the afternoon, is that okey?" I ask while I get up from my chair and put my stuff away. "Yeah of course! How are things going with that guy?" my mom asks and I shake my head. "Well I'm being the most awkward human being alive so yeah" I say and my mom laughs. "Well it will turn out fine, everyone is a bit awkward when they're crushing on someone" my mom says. "Yeah but we're friends, and I'm a 100% sure he just sees me as a friend" I say and my mom shakes her head no, "Sweetie, I see the way he looked at you when you guys walked down the stairs yesterday" she says and I just shake my head. "Well we'll see" I say and my mom nods. I walk to the little bench to put on my boots and coat, I look outside, it's snowing again, ugh. I grab my hat, gloves and backpack and I walk to my car. I throw my backpack inside and I start with scraping my windows, it's been snowing like crazy last night. I have this feeling that the roads will be closed soon and that we'll have a few snow days from school.
When I'm finally done with scraping the windows I quickly get in my car and I turn on the heat.
When I pull up to Corbyn's street I see him standing on the street already, immediately I feel the butterflies in my stomach again.
Here we go again, I bet I'm gonna embarrass myself once again. "Hey!" Corbyn says when he enters the car, "Hey!" I reply. OMG I did not trip over my own words!!! I start the car and we start the drive to school.
"It's been snowing like crazy these past few days" Corbyn says and I nod, "I bet we're gonna get some snow days soon" I say and Corbyn nods, "Yeah same". 

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