Chapter 6

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Sleep was nowhere to be found last night, I was awake the whole night. It's now 6am and i've decided that it's time to get up. I'm making myself crazy in my room. I swing my legs out of my bed and i get up, I walk to the bathroom and i turn on the shower. I get in and i just stand there under the water for a while.

When my fingers are wrinkled i decide that it's time to get out of the shower. I wrap myself in a warm and soft towel and i walk to my room, I look at my closet. I'm not feeling like dressing up or anything, but i do need to go to the store today. I decide to go for some plain navy jeans and a white sweater on top. I change and i sit down at my little make up table and i sit down. My hair hangs in wet strings around my face, I look tired and i'm a bit pale. I brush my hair and i just let it dry to the air. I get up from my chair and i walk down the stairs, my mom isn't at the table anymore, I guess she went to bed.

I walk to the kitchen and i grab a bowl, I pour in my cereals and milk and i sit down at the kitchen table. Everything from last night is still standing on the table. I'm not really feeling like cleaning it all up.

When i'm done with eating my cereals i check the time on my phone, it's now 7.55am, the stores open at 8am. I get up from my chair and i put my bowl in the kitchen. I grab my car keys and I walk to the little bench by the front door. I sit down and put on my shoes, I get back up again and i grab my jacket. I grab my wallet and i open the front door, I immediately see reporters standing in front of my house. I quickly close the door behind me and i rush to my car.

While i'm walking to my car all these reporters keep asking me questions like: 'where is your dad now?', 'are you like your father?', 'what do you think of what your father did?' and 'did you help your father do it?'. I really have zero idea what the hell they're talking about so i quickly get in my car and i drive away.

As soon as i arrive at the store i take out my phone out of my pocket and i check the news. What the hell did my dad do? Why are all those reporters outside of my house?

I open safari and i search my dad's name. And there it is. A big headliner; James Scott stole millions of dollars from the innocent.

I am shocked, my dad wouldn't do that right? No he wouldn't!!! He would never steal! I shake my head, this must be fake news, it just must be. My dad would never do such things! He's a good man!

But why did my dad run away if it was fake news? Why was he so nervous and concerned a few days ago, if it was just fake news?

But it just can't be real! It just can't.

After a few deep breaths i calmed myself down again and i get out of my car. I never cared for my reputation or imago, but i know a certain person who does care about it. Would Sophie be a bitch to me again? She wouldn't wouldn't she?

I walk up to the store, I'm at Target right now. They always have everything you need. I get inside and i walk to the aisle for school supplies. While i'm searching through some school notebooks i hear whispers all around me. They're saying stuff like; 'omg why is she here?', 'she must be like her dad', 'they were so close, i bet she helped him' and all sort of things like that. It hurts me that those people think i helped my dad! I would never steal from innocent people! Well i don't think i would ever steal, and my dad would neither. At least, the dad i know.

I'm completely lost in my thoughts when someone touches my arm, I quickly get back into reality and i look up to the person who touched my arm. I don't know him, he has bleached hair and kind blue eyes.

"Can i ask you something?" he asks.

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