Chapter 71

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Corbyn holds the door open for me when we enter the diner, "Thankyou" I say and Corbyn smiles. We walk to the bar, "Did you guys have a reservation?" he asks and I nod, "Yes on Scott" I say and the waiter nods. He searches through a notebook and then he guides us to a table, "I will bring the menus soon, but for now what can I offer you to drink?" he says and he looks at me, "Uhm an iced tea please" I say and Corbyn nods, "Yeah me too" the waiter nods and he walks away. "This place is so cute" Corbyn says and I nod, we're sitting in this booth, it kinda reminds me off pops in the series riverdale. "I know! It looks even better in real life" I reply. We just talk a bit when the waiter comes to us with our drinks and the menus, "Here you go" he says while he puts everything on the table, we thank him and take a look at the menu.
"Everything sounds so good" I say and Corbyn nods, "I"m starving right now so literally everything sound delicious" he says.
We eventually decide what we want to eat, I'm going for a hamburger with fries and Corbyn is going for the burger with hash browns.
"So there's one more thing about the story about my dad" I say and Corbyn looks at me, "What is it?" he asks with a soft voice. "Well I never told you this but that's mainly cause I forgot about it, but the night before he ran away he gave me this credit card with enough money to survive. He told me that he was saving up for me since the day i was born but i don't really believe him" I say and Corbyn nods. "So what are you gonna do with the card?" he asks and I take a sip of my iced tea, "Well I wanted to donate a lot of the money, I don't need it nor do i want it" I say and he smiles, "Well that's a really good idea!" he says and I smile. "But the only thing that keeps bugging me is that I have no idea if he really saved the money since the day i was born, or that the money he stole is on this card" I say and Corbyn slowly nods, "Well you could also donate some of the money to the people he stole the money from?" he says and I nod, "Yeah I could do that and then the rest I'll donate to some charities" I say and he nods, "Yeah that's a good idea" he says. "So uh do you know from who your dad stole the money?" he asks and I shake my head no, "I have honestly no idea, but I think that we can find that out" I say and Corbyn nods, "Yeah of course".
Then the waiter comes with the food and we start to eat, during that we talk about different charities I should donate the money to, we agreed on the children's cancer foundation and now we need to find one more. When it's time to pay the bill, Corbyn is reaching to his wallet but i'm quicker than him, I quickly give my card to the waiter and he uses it. He gives the card back to me and he walks away, "I took you out, so i pay" I say and Corbyn sighs, "Okey then" he says and we get up, "So back to your place?" he asks and I nod, "Yeah and then we're going to find out from who my dad stole the money" I say. We walk to the car and we both get in.
I sit down behind my desk and open my laptop, "Okey so think I kinda know from who my dad stole the money, they were interviewed by this paper" I say and Corbyn takes a seat next to me. I open the interview and read it, it kinda hurts to read cause they also assume things about my mom and I... "Hey don't listen to what they're saying, they're just angry cause all their savings got stolen" Corbyn says while he squeezes in my shoulder, I nod and I quickly continue reading to find their email address or something like that. I'm scrolling all the way down and there it is! I copy it and I open gmail, "Okey so uh what should i write?" I ask and Corbyn is quiet for a little while, "Well maybe that your james' daughter and that you feel really bad for them and that you want to donate some money to them" he says and I nod. I immediately start typing and after 10 minutes i'm satisfied with the mail. I take a deep breath and I look at Corbyn, "Is it okey?" I ask and he smiles, "It's perfect, just like you" he says and he kiss me on my forehead, I smile and I turn back to my laptop. I take another deep breath and I hit send, there it goes. I hope they will take this email seriously but I guess I will find that out. I turn back around to Corbyn and he smiles when he looks at me, "You are not like your father at all" he says and a huge smile appears on my face, "I don't get why people even said that you were like your dad" he adds. "So the saying, like father like daughter isn't real?" I ask and he smiles, "Not in this case".

This was it! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this story:) There is gonna be a season two some day, but I'm not sure if I'll keep it as a fan fiction if you get what I  mean. 

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