Chapter 60

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When we get home we immediately go back up to my room, "So I really need to finish this assignment for physics if that's okey with you" Corbyn says and I smile, "Of course!" I reply and I give him a kiss on his lips, I planned on just giving him a small kiss but it turns out in a small make out session. After a little while we both pull back and smile, we both have red cheeks, "Well I'm gonna write" I say and I grab my laptop, I sit down on my bed and put the laptop on my lap. I haven't written in a while but now I really feel like writing again, it always helped me through tough times and now I really need to get through this. I open my laptop, open google docs and just start writing.

"You want to eat some lunch?" Corbyn asks after a little while I look up from my laptop, "Oeh yeah, maybe we could eat some of the leftover taco bell from yesterday?" I ask and Corbyn nods, I close my laptop and get up from the bed. We both walk down the stairs and grab the food, we sit down at the table and start to eat some of the left over food.

Skip 5 weeks
So we're now five weeks later, Corbyn and I are doing really good and I'm happier than i've ever been. I'm sort of over the thing that happened with Chad but not completely, I still have some nightmares sometimes about it but I don't feel his hands on my body anymore. My mom came back home from her business trip and she's never been more protective over me, she could do some work from home as well so now when I come back from school she's sitting at the table waiting for me and asking me how school was. I think it's a bit too much but it is sweet. Corbyn and I have been going on a lot of small and cute little dates, this one time we went to another movie drive in and it was so much fun! Plus we're having so much movie nights! And I'm getting closer with his siblings cause we've been inviting them over for dinner a lot lately, Corbyn's parents are working really hard these past few weeks so their usually home alone. When my mom found out about it she insisted that they would come over for dinner at least three times a week. So that's how it's been going.
I'm now sitting on my bed reading a book Corbyn got me, it's about astrology and I love it!
The only sucky thing right now is that Corbyn is leaving to his grandma tomorrow for the weekend, I'm not gonna be able to see him for 4 days and believe me, we've seen each other every single day so this is gonna be a change for the both of us. He is gonna spend the night at mines today and then he leaves tomorrow morning.
I'm completely lost in the book when suddenly someone jumps on my bed, I look up and to see Corbyn sitting across me, "Hey Beann" I say and we both lean in to kiss each other. "Hey babe" he says after we've both pulled back. "So what shall we do?" he asks, it's now 9pm. "Hmm shall we get milkshakes?" I ask and he smiles, "I'm kinda craving them so why not" he replies and we both get up from the bed and walk down the stairs, "Mom we're gonna get some milkshakes, you want something?" I ask, my mom's sitting at the table doing some work, "No thank you sweetie, have fun!" she says and she concentrates back on her work. I nod and Corbyn and I exit the house, we walk to my car, we're both fighting for the driver's place cause if you sit there you pay. But Corbyn is stronger so he wins, I walk to the other side and get in, I pout when I look at Corbyn, he laughs, "Well you should've been faster" he says and I also laugh. He starts the car and he drives away, "So macdonald's right?" he asks and I nod, "Yeah they have the best milkshakes!" I say with excitement in my voice, Corbyn laughs.
As soon as we get back we go to my room, I lock the door behind me and I look at Corbyn. My gaze goes to his lips and back up to his eyes, he gets the hint and he walks up to me, he lifts me up and gently puts me down on the bed, our lips connect and we have a long and passionate make out session, which results in making love.

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