Chapter 42

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I luckily still have all my contacts, I grab my phone and I text Corbyn.
Me: Hey got a new number, explain it all tomorrow! Had fun today:)
End of text
I really had a lot of fun today at his place, his siblings are nice. I get why his brother Jordan asked me if i was the daughter of the thief. I'm kinda used to it now, so well it's okey. I put my phone at the charger and then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I turn on the little light next to my bed and turn off the big light in my room. I get under the covers and lay down, I turn off the light next to my bed and I slowly start to drift away.

The next morning the sound of my alarm is waking me up, I groan and I open my eyes. I turn off my alarm and I turn on the little light. I rub my eyes and wait till i can see clear. It's now 6.05am, way too early. I swing my legs out of my bed and I stretch my arms and back. Then I walk to my closet to decide what i'm gonna wear. I decide to go for comfy and I grab a big black sweater and some black leggins, I also grab a bralette. My bra was really uncomfortable yesterday and I'm not going to make myself suffer today again. I really need to focus during those exams and then is being comfy really important. Luckily for me I don't have that much boobs so it doesn't matter if i wear a bra with an iron in it for security or just a simple bralette made from only fabric. I throw the clothes on my bed and I walk to my bathroom, I quickly wash my body and shave my legs and armpits. Then I wrap myself in a towel and I walk back to my room. I change into the most comfy clothes on earth and I spray on some perfume. I'm also not gonna wear any makeup, when I'm making exams I have the habit of rubbing my eyes, when I have mascara on is that not so smart. I've put my hair up in a bun so it wouldn't get wet and I decide to leave it like that. I brush my teeth, then grab my phone and schoolbag and walk down the stairs, it's now around 6.30 I still have over 30 minutes for just breakfast. I grab the cereals and the milk and I pour it all into a bowl. Then I grab a spoon and I sit down at the table, "Morning mom" I say when my mom enters the kitchen. "Morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" my mom asks, "Pretty good" I say and my mom smiles, "Are you ready for your exams?" she asks and she sits across me with a coffee in her hands. "Well English is gonna be easy, but physics? Not really sure, I know everything i need to know but I heard that the exam is pretty hard" I say and my mom nods. "Well I know you prepared super good for both exams, you'll be fine" my mom says.
We both eat out breakfast while talking about school and Corbyn. Then it's time for me to leave, I quickly put on my shoes and coat and I grab my keys and backpack. "See you this afternoon mom!" I say, "See you! Good luck today!" she says and I smile. I open the door and I walk to my car, I get in, start the car and drive to Corbyn's place.

When I arrive there he's already waiting for me like always, I park the car and he gets in, "Morning!" he says with a smile, I smile back "Morning" I say. "So a new number huh?" Corbyn says while i start the car again, "Yeah I told my mom bout the prank calls and she wanted that i got a new number immediately" I say he nods, "Totally agree with her, those prank calls were scary and annoying" he says and I nod. "Yeah they were, we picked up last night and they were saying that my mom and I were gonna burn in hell" I say and I bite my lip, Corbyn puts his hand on my shoulder. "Well I'm glad that's over now" he says and I just nod.
When we arrive at school I feel the nerves in my body for the exams, we start with English and then we have a 20 minute break and then we'll have physics. I'd rather start with physics just to get it over with but unfortunately we can't choose. Corbyn and I stuff our coats in our lockers and then we walk to the classroom, we both sit down in the back. "Are you nervous?" Corbyn asks me and he looks at me, "A bit, not for English tho but mostly for physics, I heard that that exam is gonna be hard" I say and he nods, "Yeah same, our teacher just kept talking about how hard is was gonna be and that we shouldn't underestimate it" I nod in agreement. Then the teacher enters the room, "Quiet everyone" he says and he starts to hand out the exams, "You'll turn this around when I say so. So no peeking!" he says with a sharp tone in his voice. Corbyn and I look at each other one more time, we smile at each other and then we look at our exam. "And start! you guys can open the exams" the teacher says and we all open our exams.
At first the exam is super easy, but half way it slowly gets a bit harder. I'm glad i practiced so much exams so i kinda get what they're asking.

Corbyn and I are sitting in the cafeteria with our physics books, "So how did English go?" I ask when I take a bite from my oreo. "Pretty good actually!" he says, "How did yours go?" he asks. "Also pretty good!" I say and we both smile.
We talk a bit about physics and then it's already time for us to go to the classroom. We take our seats, we're sitting in the back and next to each other. We exchange looks and then we start with the exam.

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