Chapter 8

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He puts his phone at the dashboard so i can see the map, when i start driving i kinda recognize the road we're taking. It's the less fancy neighborhood of my town. I just drive there while i can see that Corbyn is getting more nervous every minute. "Is something wrong?" I ask and he looks at me, "What? Oh no" he says and i can see that he's lying. "You sure?" I ask and he just nods.

When we're almost at his house, I can see that the houses are getting smaller and smaller. I don't mind it at all but it seems like Corbyn is kinda embarrassed by it.

When we arrive at his house I look at his house, I'm amazed by it's beauty. It's a small blue house, it has christmas lights hanging in the trees they have in their small garden. I smile when i look at those lights, when i was younger we used to do that too, but since my dad's company has grown we haven't done it... Since we live in that stupid and empty house.

"So uh yeah this is where i live" Corbyn says while he bites his lip. "It's a beautiful house!" I say and i'm being completely honest. His face lights up, "Really?" he asks and i nod and smile, "Really".

"Well i better get going, still need to get to work on time" he says while he gets out of the car. "See you around!" I say and he nods, "Yeah!" he replies and then he walks to his house. I start the car and i drive away.

While driving i feel the empty feeling in my chest again, how could my dad leave me like that? And how could my dad even steal that money? Just how...

When I arrive back home it's already 11 am, I put my book on the table and I finally start with cleaning up the table and the kitchen.

My mom is not in the living room so i walk to the bedroom where my dad and her sleep. I see her sitting on the bed looking at the wall, "Hey mom" I say while i sit down at her bed, she looks at me and she smiles at me, "He could've told me what he was doing, I could've helped him. We could've ran away together, the three of us" my mom says while her eyes get watery. I nod and i grab her hand, my mom gives me a weak smile, I get up from the bed, i grab my book from the kitchen table and i walk to my room. I sit in my window seat and look at the street. The reporters are still on the street but the police is holding them off, I don't even know who called the police. I know that i didn't. I shake my head and i grab my book.

After an hour has passed I'm starting to get hungry, I get up from my little seat and i grab my car keys again. I need to do some grocery shopping, but i'm gonna buy some take out food first. I put on my black boots and i open the front door. The reporters immediately grab their cameras again and i sigh. I quickly walk to my car while pushing some people away. When i get in my car i quickly start it and i drive away.

I arrive at taco bell, I park my car and i get out. I enter the restaurant and i walk to the counter where i can order my food. I grab my phone to kill some time while waiting, "Mia?" I hear Corbyn's voice say. I look up from my phone and smile. "Corbyn?" I ask surprised. "You work here?" I ask and he bites his lip, "Yeah i know it's not a fancy job" he says and i immediately regret asking him if he worked here. "Oh no i didn't mean it like that! I was just surprised to see you here!" I say and i hope i fixed my little mistake. Corbyn smiles at me, "So uh what do you want to order?" he asks. I give him my order and we talk a bit while i'm waiting for my order.

When my order is done i walk to a table and i sit down, I just start eating in silence while scrolling on instagram. Everyone from my school is showing off their fun vacations, I get annoyed from watching that so i quickly turn off my phone. I texted Sophie yesterday but i'm not expecting her to text me back. She dropped me before cause of something my dad did. And now. He stole money! So i think that she'll never talk to me again. But i'll survive. I think. 

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