Chapter 1

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48 hours earlier

When i wake up from the stupid beeping sound of my alarm i get out of my bed, it's now 7am. My dad and i decided to go for a run, he's the owner of the company he works at, he can decide at what time he wants to start. He always starts 9am so I needed to wake up early.

It's now christmas break, we just celebrated New Year and Christmas and in 5 days school starts again. I'm kinda looking forward to that, I've always had a nice friend group. Plus i'm gonna see my best friend Sophie again, we've been friends since kindergarten. She's now in Thailand.

I get out of my bed and i put on some black sport leggings and a pink workout top. I put my shoulder length hair in a low bun, I look into the mirror. My dad's nickname for me is Bambi, it's been bambi for as long as i can remember. He always tells me i have long legs like a deer and big eyes like bambi had. I look at my eyes, they're just plain brown eyes, but they're big compared to my face.

When i was younger people used to make fun of me for my eyes but now it's okey i guess. They stopped saying it and i stopped caring bout them.

I walk down the stairs and i see my mom and dad already sitting at the breakfast table, "Goodmorning Bambi" my dad says as soon as he sees me. "Morning" I say with a smile, I grab a bowl and i put some cereals in it. I take a seat at the table and i look at my parents, they've both been really tensed lately. I've asked them multiple times why, but they keep telling me it's nothing. My dad's been glued to his phone for a week now and it's pretty annoying, that's why i'm happy we're going on a run. I never take my phone with me on a run so i hope he decides to leave his phone at home too.

When my dad and i both finished our food we get up from the table, I walk to a little bench, that's next to the front door, to put on my shoes. "Let's go dad" I say while i tighten my low ponytail, my dad nods as an answer while looking at his phone. I sigh and i get up from the bench, "I'll go alone if you don't put your phone away right now" I say and my dad looks up from his phone, "Sorry I'll put it away now" he says and he puts his phone in his pocket, I roll my eyes and i grab my jacket. I put it on and i open the front door, I immediately feel the cold breeze hit my face. It's now the 2nd of January and it's pretty cold where i live. I have a feeling that it's gonna snow soon. I take a deep breath and i walk to the pavewalk. I look at my dad who's slowly walking up to me, "To the woods?" I ask and he nods.

When we're in the woods my dad's phone goes off, he immediately stops with running and he grabs his phone, I sigh and i look at him. "I'm sorry Bambi, but i really need to take this" he says while he walks away and he takes the call. I groan and i walk to the little lake we're standing next to. I look over the water and i bite my lip, the sun is slowly rising right now and it's a beautiful view. My dad and i are both wearing lights so people can see us. I can see my dad's light through some bushes.

Why has he been on his phone so much lately? Is something wrong with his company? I remember he almost went bankrupt 2 years ago but according to him his company is doing better than ever. Maybe that's why he's on his phone that much?

When he's finally done calling he walks back to me, "I really need to go now, I'm sorry but it's really important" my dad says and i can read the concern off his face. Something must be really wrong if you want to get my dad concerned, "Oh okey, I'll finish on my own" I say and he smiles. He gives me a quick kiss on my forehead and he starts to run back to our house. 

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