Chapter 33

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When it's getting dark I'm also getting a bit cold, I wish I wore gloves. Corbyn and I are having so much fun here! We've been into some small roller coasters and we also won a stuffed animal for him, he got a little tiger. I insisted that he kept that one so we both have one.
I'm slowly getting hungry but i don't want to pressure Corbyn on buying me food so i don't say anything. "So I'm kinda hungry do you want something?" Corbyn asks me, "Yeah sure!" I answer and I smile at him. We're still holding hands. We walk up to this little stall who sells fries, we stand in line when I suddenly hear a familiar voice call our names, Sophie. We look at each other and then turn around. "Corbyn and Mia what are you guys doing here?" Sophie says, when she says our names she almost spits them out. "Well the same thing as everyone here, having fun" I say and Sophie takes a step closer to me. "Why are your holding hands with the poor boy you can do better than that" Sophie says and she looks with a disgusted look on her face at Corbyn. "Oh wow" I say and I look at Sophie, "You find out you don't have a chance with Corbyn so then he's suddenly poor and stupid again and now i'm no longer a thief?" I say and I shake my head. "Bye Sophie" I say I turn back around. Corbyn also turns back around and he grabs my hand, "She's crazy" he says and I nod, "Yep" I say and my whole mood is kinda ruined and i hate it, Corbyn and I had such a good time together!
When it's our turn to order we order just one portion of fries and a coke. Corbyn pays for it even though I wanted to pay and then we walk to this little picnic table. The fair looks beautiful now, since it's dark all the lights turned on and it looks so magical. I've never been at the fair when it was night cause according to my dad the bad people came at that time. I haven't seen any bad people yet so i think he was just exaggerating.
When Corbyn and I finished the fries and the coke he throws it away, I keep sitting at the table and I look around me. It's so damn beautiful here. I'm just kinda lost in my thoughts when Corbyn suddenly appears across me, "Hey" he says with the cutest smile. "Hey" I reply and also smile. "Shall we go in the ferris wheel one more time to enjoy the beautiful view and then go back home?" he asks and I nod. "Yeah sure!" I say and we both get up from the picnic table. We walk to the ferris wheel and we wait in line, when it's finally our turn we get in and sit down next to each other. I grab his hand and he scoots over to me, I lay my head on his shoulder and we enjoy the beautiful view. "It's so beautiful up here" I say while I look at all the lights, "You're beautiful" Corbyn says and my cheeks immediately heat up. I hope that he didn't notice it but he did, "Blushing huh?" he says with a smile and I also smile.
When the ride's over we get out and we continue the walk back to my house. I have literally zero idea what time it is but i really don't care. I just had the best afternoon of my life and i don't want it to end.
While walking we hold hands and we talk about the fair and the stuffed animals we won.
When we arrive at my place we stop walking and Corbyn looks at me, "I had a great time" he says while he smiles, "Me too" I say smiling as well. We slowly lean into each other, is this the moment when it's gonna happen? When I'm gonna have my first kiss? I feel my palms getting sweaty and the butterflies in my stomach are going crazy right now. When our lips almost touch I close my eyes, our lips connect. I drop my elephant and I lift one of my hands to Corbyn's neck and the other is on his hip. One of his hands is by my jaw and the other is on my waist.
The kiss is nothing special, no tongue or anything. Just a simple kiss, but it's my first and I love it.
When we pull back both of our cheeks are red, I look at my feet and Corbyn lifts my face with his hand. "I honestly had the most amazing day of my life" he says and I smile, "Me too" I say and he smiles. "Well I think I need to go now cause I have to work tomorrow morning" he says and I nod, "Yeah I need to study" I say. "See you monday?" he asks and I nod, "See you monday".

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