Chapter 58

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Your pov:
When I wake up, I slowly push myself off of Corbyn, "How did you sleep?" he asks and I yawn and rub my eyes, "Pretty good" I reply and he nods. "So it's now 7pm, you want to eat something?" he asks and I nod, "Yeah, I'm getting hungry" I say and I sit up straight. Corbyn nods and grabs his phone, "So since we didn't got any groceries today we need to order again" he says and he looks at me, "What do you want?".
"Hmm taco bell?" i say, "Whatever you want babe" he says and there's that word again. Babe, I smile, "I like it when you call me that" I say and I lean in to give him a kiss on his cheek but he turns his face to me and our lips connect, it's just a simple and short kiss but it still makes the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. We smile, "I like it when you call me Bean" he says and I smile, "Well in that case, hurry up with ordering Bean I'm hungry" I say and we both laugh.
I get up from the bed and I out on some pj shorts and fluffy socks. "Ordered! It'll be here in 10 minutes, so what do you want to do?" Corbyn asks and I turn around and look at him, "Uhm watch another movie?" I say and he nods, "Yeah sure, which one?" he asks and I shrug my shoulders, "You can pick" I say and I sit down on the bed. Corbyn shakes his head, "No you pick" he says, "Ugh fine, let me think" and I grab my phone to scroll through the movies, "Beauty and the beast!" I say and Corbyn smiles, "Let's watch that movie then" he says and he scoots closer to me, "Shall we eat downstairs and watch the movie? So you don't get any crumbs in your bed" he says. I nod, "Yeah that's a good idea" I say and I get up from my bed, "Shall we go downstairs then?" I ask and Corbyn smiles and also gets up from the bed. He grabs my hand and we intertwine our fingers, we walk down the stairs and sit on the couch.
After a little while the doorbell rings, Corbyn gets up to get the food I walk to the kitchen to get us some water.
We both walk back to the couch at the same time, I put the glasses on the little table and Corbyn starts to unpack the food, "Damn you ordered a lot" I say and he laughs, "Well you said you were hungry so I thought; don't want to order too little". I shake my head, "How much did this even cost?" I ask and Corbyn shakes his head, "No we're not gonna talk about money" he says, "Okey then" I say and he smiles, "So what do you want?" he says while he points at the food. "Hmmm tough choice" I say and he laughs. We both grab some food and then sit on the couch, I cross my legs and turn on the movie.
As soon as the movie's over Corbyn and I both get up to clean up the food and to put some away for later.
"I love disney movies" I say while we walk up the stairs, "Same!!" Corbyn replies. We enter my room, "So i'm gonna brush my teeth real quick and then lay in bed" I say and Corbyn smiles, "Same".
I put on some music, it's yummy from Justin Bieber, I love his new album and especially this song. We both fake sing with our toothbrushes as microphones. Because we're joking around so much, brushing our teeth takes waayy longer than normally.
I enter the room again and I get under the covers and I lay down, Corbyn sits down next to me, "Shall I read to you till you fall asleep?" he asks reading my mind. As long as Corbyn talks or when I'm distracted, I don't think about Chad and his hands all over me. I think about Corbyn the guy I love so much. I nod as an answer and Corbyn also nods, he grabs the astrology book again and he picks up from where he left.
While listening to his nice and soft voice and holding his hand I'm slowly drifting asleep.

The next morning I wake up from the sun which shines in my eyes, I rub my eyes and I try to get out of Corbyn's grip without waking him up. I succeed and I slowly get up, I walk to the window and I look outside, the sun's been up for a while, I wonder what time it is. I carefully walk back to the bed and I grab my phone from the nightstand, I check the time and see that it's 10.04am. I enter the bathroom and i turn on the shower, I love to take a shower in the morning, it always wakes me up. I'm still trying to be super quiet while I'm showering, usually i hum some songs or I put music on but I don't want to wake up Corbyn. He's been taking so good care of me these days and he deserves his rest.
When I get out the shower I wrap myself in a towel and I enter my room, I see that Corbyn is still sleeping, I smile when I look at him. He looks so cute when he's sleeping, well to be honest, he looks cute every single second of the day. But when he sleeps he's just so precious, I put on some underwear, black leggings and one of Corbyn's sweater which is obviously waayy to big for me. I smile when I look in the mirror, I like wearing Corbyn's clothes. I smell the sweater and it still has his sense. "Goodmorning babe" Corbyn says and I turn around, he's sitting up straight on the bed, he's not wearing a shirt, just some sport shorts. "Morning bean" I say and I climb on the bed to give him a kiss. "That sweater looks good on you" Corbyn says while he looks at me, "Well thanks, you're not getting it back" I say and we both laugh. "So how are you doing?" Corbyn asks with a serious tone in his voice, "Well uhm, way better than yesterday so that's good. But I have this feeling that I kinda asked for it or something" I say and I look at my hands. Corbyn lifts my head with his hand, "You did not ask for it" he says and I look into his eyes, "So don't ever think that, that guy was just a psycho and we're going to tell the police what happened" he says and I nod. "And how's your arm doing?" Corbyn asks while he rolls up the sleeve, "It looks better" he says and he looks back up to me, "It also feels better, but when i push on it it still hurts a bit" I say and he nods, "Well I'm glad you're feeling better". 

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