Chapter 19

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Your pov:

When we arrive at school Sophie immediately walks up to Corbyn, I sigh and roll my eyes. I open my locker and I stuff my jacket and other stuff in there. "Hey Corbyn" Sophie says with the most annoying voice ever, she leans against his locker and she looks up to him. She pushing her boobs together to show some cleavage or something. I shake my head, "Uh hi" Corbyn says and he looks at me with a confused face. "So uhm I need to get in my locker" he says and Sophie her head turns red. I smile, hah good for her. Corbyn also stuffs his jacket in there and then he closes his locker, "So Mia could you move" Sophie says while she looks at me with a disgusted look on her face, "Why would I move?" I ask and I frown. "You're ruining this moment here, I don't want to be close to a thief" she says and I just shake my head no. "She's not a thief" Corbyn says with a sharp voice and he looks at Sophie, "She is Corbyn, believe me, I know her longer than you" she says and Corbyn shakes his head. "She is not, it's so annoying that all of you guys immediately think she's a thief if her dad made a mistake" he says and he grabs my arm, "Come Mia let's go" he says and he pulls me to our first class. "Thanks for sticking up for me" I say and he smiles at me, "You're sticking up for me constantly" he says and I smile back at him.

When it's finally time to go home again Corbyn and I walk to our lockers, Sophie is already waiting for Corbyn by his locker. "Gosh that girl can't read signals" Corbyn says and I just nod. "Could you move?" I say while I look at Sophie, she looks at me while she frowns, "Why would I do that?" she says. "Well you are standing in front of my locker and I would like to grab my jacket" I say and I softly push her away. I open my locker and I grab my stuff. "So Corbyn, 7pm my place. Make sure you're there on time" Sophie says and I roll my eyes. "You really can't read signals can you" Corbyn says while he opens his locker. "Uhm what do you mean?" Sophie asks confused and I smile. "He clearly doesn't want to go out with you" I say and Corbyn nods, "You're such a bitch to my friend so why the hell would I even spend time with you?" he says and Sophie is just stunned. "See you tomorrow" I say while I smile at her and Corbyn and I walk to my car.
"So uhm could you maybe drop me off at work?" Corbyn asks and I nod, "Yeah sure!". We get in my car and we start driving to taco bell. During the drive we're talking about how weird Sophie was acting.

I open my front door and I kick off my boots, "I'm home mom!" I yell and I put my backpack on a chair. I walk to the kitchen, "Hey sweetie, how was school?" my mom asks and I immediately frown. I sit down at a bar chair and I lean on the kitchen counter. "Well Sophie was the usual bitch she is" I say and I look out of the window. The reporters are still on our driveway, but they're with less now. "Oh well at least you have Corbyn right?" my mom says and I bite my lip, "Well yeah for now, but Sophie is trying to get Corbyn to date with her or something. But that's just unfair! He's my friend! Not hers!" I say and I sort of snap. My mom grabs my hand, "Well you are right, Corbyn is your friend and I'm sure he doesn't want to go out with her, plus she has a boyfriend right?" she says and I nod. "He said no but still, like Sophie is so incredibly pretty and then I'm here. What if he decides that I'm boring or something?" I say and I look at my hand. "Sweetie, he's not like that at all, why are you so scared? You guys are just friends right?" my mom says and I look up to her. "Yeah but, I don't know, I get this weird feeling around him" I say and my mom smiles. "I knew it!" she says and she gets all enthusiastic and happy, "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "Well I knew you liked him" she says and I frown, "Well yeah obviously, otherwise we wouldn't be friends" I say confused. "Sweetie, you like him as more than a friend" my mom says and I frown, "But that's just not possible! I just met him!" I say and my mom smiles, "Well yeah but that doesn't say that you can't like him" she says and I sigh. "Gosh, well I'm fucked" I say and my mom frowns. "Why would you say that?" she asks and I look up to her. "Well we're friends, only friends" I say and my mom grabs my hand again. "Well maybe he starts liking you too? Plus I even think he already likes you" he says and I frown. "Well I think I would've noticed if he liked me" I say and my mom laughs, "Sweetie you didn't even know you liked him in the first place, just trust me, I have a feeling he likes you too" she says. 

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