❀ 04

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The rain only began clearing after we'd reached home for at least two hours. It was already dark out, the sky only crying soft tears now. I was snuggled up in my bedroom, enclosed around light pink and purple walls and a clean white ceiling.

The room was dark, the only light sources came from the streetlights outside, illuminating a soft glow into my room and the string of fairy lights that hung above my bed. Brown was tucked right next to me, her warm and furry body rising and falling steadily and soft as she slept.

My mind ran in thoughts as I tried to find something that would lull me to sleep. It ran along the paths of when I was in my parents car with them and Cameron. The latter was sitting on top of a large towel spread out, hanging from the backrest of the seat all the way to the bottom of the seat.

He smiled, his eyes crinkled when I handed him his hoodie, embarrassment painting his features. He pushed the glasses up the bridge of his nose and took it from my hand and settled it on his lap. His dog Snow sat in between us with Brown, like little princesses prim, proper and polite.

"Thank you, Mr and Mrs Smith." Cameron thanked them using their last names he'd learned when he'd tried to thank them the first time.

My mum waved her hand dismissively at the passenger's seat in front of me. "Oh, like I said earlier, it's our pleasure to help, Cameron. And if it's one of Heather's friend's we'd be more than happy to help." She turned to give Cameron a smile.

The latter returned it but I could tell he felt that he hadn't thanked us enough. I reached to poke his shoulder with my index finger which he'd replied with a surprised and horrified look on his end, making me laugh a little. "At least you get to change now." I said to him bringing my hand back and settling it on Brown's warm body.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Yeah."

My father asked for his house number when they'd reached the street Cameron told them he lived at. Cameron paused for a second to think before he told my dad the number of his house. The car lapsed into silence, the sound of the heater warming the car and the sound of raindrops falling against the windows and roof of the car occupying it.

Cameron's house was just like ours; Average sized, homey, and lived in.

Like ours, his yard was painted with green grass, trimmed neatly but wet because of the rain. The lights in the windows of the cream painted house were switched on and I could just about see the flashes of light and images switching on the television through the mesh curtains that obscured the view of the interior of the house.

"I reckon this is the one." My dad said, shifting the gears of the car. He leaned sideways towards the side window, his nose almost touching the glass. "House thirty-two right?" My dad asked.

Cameron nodded, then he probably realised that my dad wasn't looking at him. "Yes, house thirty-two." He said quietly, his eyes darting around the car, probably unsure of what he was going to do.

"I think your parents are home." I said just to fill the silence in the car.

Cameron nodded. "Yeah, my mum's home, I think." He brought his gaze back towards the window and just like that the front door of his house swung open. An umbrella stuck out of the door before poofing open in it's full rainbow coloured glory and roofed the woman of Asian descent, protecting her from the rain as she swung the door shut behind her.

She walked carefully on the water filled paths, narrowly avoiding the puddles of water by tiptoeing past them before finally reaching the car. By then, my dad had already rolled down the window to his driver's side and the side where Cameron sat at, inevitably making me exposed even as I was sat further at the right side of the car.

His mum's expression brightened when she saw his son. Her eyes skimmed the car, running over the passengers, including my dad, my mom, then me. A smile of relief broke out on her face when her eyes landed back on Cameron.

"Thank you so much for bringing him home." She said to us, reaching for the door handle and pulling open the door. Cameron reached for Snow and held her and scooted out of the car, leaving the towel to fall from the back of the seat, crumbling into a blob of fabric.

"It's nothing." My dad dismissed. "We're glad to help."

Cameron's mum smiled and shut the open door, arm wound around her son's neck as he held onto both Snow and his blue hoodie. "He can be very blur sometimes." She shook her head, filled with amusement. "Why don't you say thank you, Cameron?"

Cameron snapped his gaze from the pavement and towards my dad with wide eyes. "Thank you, sir and ma'am and-" his eyes slid to me effectively making my lips slide into a smile, "- Heather."

"Like my husband said, it's nothing much." My mum spoke up pleasantly. "We're happy to help."

Cameron's mum nodded with a smile. "Well, thank you. We better get inside. See you people around!" Cameron lifted his hand in a wave as his mum brought him back into their home. The car windows rolled back up and before I knew it, the car was already driving away.

"He seems like a good boy." My dad stated, leaving his statement to hang in the air. I raised my eyebrows and looked at my dad questioningly, his blue eyes were crinkled in the corners when I looked at the through the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, I think so too." I agreed, leaning my cheek against my palm. "I think we can be great friends."

The rest of the evening was spent with my parents after they'd showered and changed from their fancy clothes into more homey ones. We'd watched movies in the living room until my dad had fallen asleep in my mum's lap.

The latter shook her head when she'd heard the sudden sound of a snore coming from my father, his eyes closed shut and his mouth hanging open. My mum switched off the television with a press of a button without getting up. "I think that it's time for all of us to get to bed."

I agreed with her.

Spending some of the day in a gazebo, hiding from the rain was exhausting even as I was being dramatic. I got up and stretched my arms as my mum pressed her hand on my father's cheek to wake him up. I strolled to my bedroom, tired and sleepy, going to my bathroom to prepare to sleep.

Somewhere between the recalling of my day, I had drifted into a sleep, filled with dreams I was sure I wouldn't remember: dreams of me getting to know Cameron and of Brown and Snow having playdates.

I loved making friends and I could tell that this one was going to be worthwhile.

I hope your enjoyed today's two chapters!

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I hope your enjoyed today's two chapters!

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Have a nice day :D

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