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A few minutes had passed since I made the revelation that we were going to be stuck here for longer than we intended to but not by choice. I reached my arms out towards Brown, who'd given her attention and jumped in front of me, allowing me to pick her up and cradle her in my arms.

She was still dry, thank gosh, I'd ran into the gazebo just in time. I wasn't sure how my parents would react if both Brown and I had showed up soaked to the brim in rainwater. I wasn't sure if I parents were even home yet, perhaps still at their restaurant safely.

I wondered what the boy in front of me's parents would think. I hadn't seen him around much, but considering that he went deeper into the park, he'd probably been here before. Maybe he lived on the other side of the neighbourhood. Maybe it was the side I didn't really visit.

The roads were somehow all interlaced and connected together, I didn't really have a purpose to go to any other but the ones closest to me.

I mussled Brown's fur, making her snuggle by the bend on my inner elbow, her snout tucked there comfortably. With curiousness, I looked over at the snow white dog, which I realised that had been staring at me the whole time. Big black but adorable orbs as eyes, and the tiniest snout.

Without thinking, I blurted the question that surrounded my thoughts. "What's your dog's name?"

The boy in front of me had seemed to be startled too, taking his attention from staring attentively at the floor to me, a question evident in his face. It was then I realised he hadn't heard me. "What's uh- your dog's name?"

His lips formed a small 'o', looking over at his snow white dog, who was now studying him instead of me. "Her name's Snow."

"That's a pretty name. My dog's name is Brown. My brother named her. Quite uncreatively, in my opinion." I wasn't sure if I'd said too much or too little but he kept silent, his eyes darting from my dog to me, however, with a small almost unnoticeable smile on his face.

I bent down to let Brown go, who went right next to Snow and sat down next to the latter happily, unbothered by the heavily pouring rain outside of the gazebo, however, rather interested by it. Both of them were, actually; they stared out at the rain, mesmerised at how more and more droplets fell after the other.

"I love dogs." I said after a while of silence, returning my eyes back to the boy. He'd been looking at me, I realised, when I gazed at him. I didn't know if I was imagining it but his cheeks shifted from their pale colour into a cute pink shade.

"Me too." He mumbled, running his hand through his wet hair, further messing it up. He avoided my face after that.

"My name's Heather." I introduced myself, tilting my head to the side. I didn't know if I sounded creepy or not. Maybe I did, judging from the way he wasn't meeting my eyes. "What's yours?"

"Cameron." He said quietly, hands pressed against the bench, his posture tense. Huh, maybe I was making him uncomfortable. The thought made me frown. I mean, I knew I babbled a lot but I'd never encountered someone who didn't really like it.

Or maybe they just didn't show their disinterest.

Admittedly, the thought made a frown grow on my face and a slight pressure in my chest develop. I decided that I hated that feeling with a passion, but I rarely felt it so there wasn't much of an experience for me to know how to battle it.

I brought my gaze back to Cameron, whose eyes were on Snow. His body was shivering a little, I noticed, and I felt bad. If I had a jacket, I would've gave it to him, but instead I donned a T-shirt with a pair of shorts which also provided little to no protection from the breeziness and chilliness of this weather. I'm sure it wasn't half as bad as him; his clothes were soaked.

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