❀ 10

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The drive was a short ten minutes, which consisted of me stroking Brown and Snow's fur. The latter crawled into my lap somewhere in the middle of the ride and the two dogs sat snugly on my lap. I loved how they were like two little best friends alongside with Cameron and me.

The roads drifted from the ones in my neighbourhood, surrounded by rows of houses, to one bookended by several shops and cute little restaurants and cafés. Cameron drove his mum's car until it reached the corner of the row of shops and slid into a lucky parking spot right in front of what I assumed was the café he'd wanted to bring me to.

Through the transparent glass of Cameron's car, I could see a large transclucent sign of a paw printed onto the clear glass windows that ran from the ceiling to the ground. The sign that hung on the clear glass doors was flipped to show that it was open and I could only see a few people lingering inside but I couldn't see the dogs just yet from my angle.

Despite knowing that this was definitely the place, conversationally, I asked him, "is this the café?"

He turned to me and nodded with a smile, picking up his dog from my lap. "It's still early, so not many people are here. Come on, let's go in." We slipped out of his car and I held Brown with one hand, shutting the car door with the other.

The cool air conditioning breeze welcomed us into the shop, accompanied by the sound of the bell, that was attached to the handle of the door, ringing. Like an ordinary café, it characteristically smelled of coffee and freshly baked goods.

However, the special factor that divided this place from other cafés were that it was dog themed, had dogs, and even your dog was allowed in. The clean white walls were decorated with pictures of all types of dogs, people posing by their sides, their faces showing exactly how awestruck they were by the dogs they posed with.

The ground was entirely coloured in black, printed with large illustrations with dog paws of all kinds, all coloured differently, some grey, beige and even pink! The menu that hung above the main counter at the feeding area, was a chalkboard, however, even with a brief read at it, I could see that all the foods were dog themed as well (with ingredients for humans of course).

A small section split itself from the other that provided food for people, instead providing it for dogs. Drawings of paws with different colours made in chalk surrounded this section, further emphasising that it was definitely for dogs.

With a strong fascination, I turned to look at Cameron. "How do you find these amazing places?" I asked, in awe.

Cameron shrugged a small smile appearing on his face. "I don't know. I guess I just find them."

I begged to differ. I knew it was because of his intense love of the world and everything in general. It was unreal how he was so fascinated with everything and how he'd always stop and take his time just to admire something. I really liked that about him.

And because he was so fascinated with the world, slowly breathing in everything, he was able to find these places that were easily under my nose but those of which I never even took my time to try and look at. All these discoveries of places unfurled to him and he gratefully took it, just like how he'd stop by every flower he liked at the park just to share it with Snow.

Even as my thoughts were centered around Cameron at the moment, the smell of something baked fresh from the oven and deliciously chocolatey engulfed my thoughts, furthering clouding them. My eyes drifted to the glass display cabinet that was filled with cakes and goods of all kinds.

"I think we should order something now." Cameron chuckled and when I looked at him his lips were slightly quirked up.

I laughed as well. "I agree. The food might take it the wrong way and assume that I want to date them with the way I'm staring. Even though I want to do something much more morbid... Like, you know, eat them."

Cameron laughed. "I'm sure they're already so deeply in love that they won't care when you stab a fork in them." He quipped, running a hand through his black hair, messing it up. I hummed a short note. "Let's go morbidly eat some food."

The food displayed behind the glass looked delicious. Cakes of all kinds ranging from chocolate to matcha, all of which looked absolutely tantalising and scrumptious. They were all in different shapes an sizes, some were small and square and some were shaped like a paw from a dog. Cookies, sweets and goods laid all inside neatly and looking very alluring and appetising.

In a smaller and separate cabinet were filled with treats I knew were for dogs. Maybe it was because of the large sign carved with letters that spelled out, "for dogs". My attention was taken away from admiring the food when a man with a well-groomed mustache and a white fabric made hat surrounding his head with a small logo of a paw printed right in the middle appeared behind the counter.

"Hello, welcome to the most Pawsome Dog Café. This is Pup-azzri café, where dogs are all around watching you!" His voice was filled with enthusiasm, his mouth tilted up in a wide smile under his mustache as well. His happy ardour made me smile and his words made me laugh.

"Are you sure I won't find one of my pictures on the internet on a website for dogs?" I joked and the man laughed.

"Well, I'll be watchful on that one." He advised with a feigned serious expression. "Okay. What can I help you fine little children with today?"

Cameron looked up from the assortment of cakes and at the man behind the counter. "Um," he then turned to me. "What do you want to eat?"

I raised my head to glance at the menu which consisted of breakfast foods or foods that were not already at the glass display cabinet, like pancakes, eggs, chicken, and lots and lots more delicious sounding food. However, my stomach is gravitating towards the option of chocolate chip cookies in the display cabinet, which were each packed in paper bags with labels to tell what they were.

Maybe it was my imagination, but I could already smell it.

I also really wanted to try the cute little vanilla cupcakes that were swirled with a deep and rich looking chocolate swirl of chocolate flavoured cream. "This cupcake." I pressed my finger against the cool glass. "... And, um, a pack of the chocolate chip cookies too."

Cameron ordered while I stared at the cabinet filled with dog treats and even cakes. I might've been captivated by it for a little too long because by then Cameron was by my side, the sign presenting itself as warmth I could feel from behind.

I scratched Brown's ear and brought her attention to the glass cabinet. As if she was able to answer me, I asked her,"so... What do you want?" She stared at the treats in front of her and I laughed tilting my to the side to see Cameron's face. "I don't think she'll answer." I said before moving forward.

I raised my dog and the man behind the counter, who raised his brows when he saw Brown. "Can I have the best and most favourable option for my dog here?"

 "Can I have the best and most favourable option for my dog here?"

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I hope you enjoyed this week's chapters, see you!

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