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It was Cameron.

It was Cameron.

Oh my God, it was Cameron!

I could recognise that voice any day. From the first time we'd met under gazebo - the first time he'd ever uttered a word to me - to the times when we called each other on our phones, to the time earlier when he'd suggested for us to settle down into the circle in Olivia's room.

Maybe my infatuation towards him enhanced that fact, but whatever it was, I was sure that it was Cameron. The thought made my heart pound faster. He was right next to me, completely and entirely oblivious of the storm of feelings inside of me.

It made me think, and wonder a million miles a second about what he was thinking and how'd he recognised my voice too. I quickly narrowed it down to the fact that we had gotten closer in the duration of these past few weeks, though lesser in the last week, thanks to my previous fear of the awkwardness between us.

"Hi, Cameron." I said, my voice wavering slightly and I hoped that he didn't hear it. My cheeks were beginning to flame up and I had never been more thankful for the darkness that surrounded us.

"Hey," he replied, softly but due to the silence behind, I could hear him.

We quickly lapsed into another air of silence, something that I was nervous to fill, even though I wanted to and at least clear up the tension that I built between us. My thoughts were scrambled entirely when he suddenly asked a question.

"Um, Heather, are you okay?" He asked and I froze, thinking about the answer myself. The rule of this game was to be honest. That meant that I had to tell the truth. Thank goodness he didn't ask me directly if I had a crush on him.

Just as I parted my lips to ask, he cut me off, but there was no way he would've known that I was going to answer with the lack of light in here. "If I'm being honest..." He trailed off, indecision clear in his tone. "Um, sorry, I don't mean to offend you but... You've been acting a little different lately and..."

My heart lurched in my chest and I was scared that he was going to utter those exact words I thought about before, rendering me to do nothing else but tell the truth. I fidgeted with the jean jacket on my lap, hoping that I didn't have to tell him yet.

Just not now, please.

I chanted in my head several times as if anyone could hear me. However, much to my relief, but my horror as well, he asked a question entirely off the path my head thought he would take.

"I just want to know... If I'm doing something wrong to make you act... This way, you know?" He asked, his tone hesitant and nervous as if he was tiptoeing across a thin bridge of glass. I could practically imagine him reaching to rub at the nape of his neck.

"No!" I said before lowering my voice and leaning towards where I thought he was. "It's not you... It's something I'm, uh, going through right now." I wasn't exactly lying, so in a way I was still abiding by the rules.

"Okay," he said, sounding reassured. "I hope you can get through it." He said and I smiled involuntarily. "And, um, because we're being honest, I just want to say that your card is amazing and I really like it."

I blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Thanks, I wanted it to mean something towards the both of us, you know?"

I could hear the slight smile in his voice. "It means a lot to me, thank you."

I wanted to say something but the sudden loud blaring of Olivia's timer went off and I was both relieved and disappointed that our turn was ending. But it seemed like Cameron had something to say as he blindly reached and wrapped his hand around mine that was on my lap.

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