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Having woken up at an incredibly earlier time than usual, I made a sad attempt of shifting in my sheets and trying to snuggle in them. I had no intentions of waking up at six a.m. but time seemed to have an issue with me. Ms Apple wouldn't be at my house till ten in the morning so, I didn't have to wake until a few hours later, like I routinely did every morning (besides the lovely weekends).

Even when I was surrounded by and cocooned by my soft and supple blankets, the comfort didn't do too much to lull me back to sleep. I hope that somehow, I would be able to. At least till my alarm rang at nine.

In a seemingly endless amount of me turning and twisting in my bed, I never fell back to sleep and it seemed like I was never going to judging by the fact that my eyes were wide when I opened them to glance at my phone after flicking it on.

My relentless, however, ineffectual attempt at falling back to sleep allowed a good fifteen minutes to pass by. I sighed and groaned on my bed, reaching over to a pillow and pressing it on my face. I somehow managed to let another ten minutes pass, before I got up groggily, and decided that today was going to start unusually early.

I took twenty minutes to get ready, my movements were all sluggish and tired as I prepared myself for the day. I opted for a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, after I'd showered and brushed my teeth and slipped them on, glancing at the mirror to examine my appearance.

My dirty blonde hair was messy and in tangles, which prompted me to run my brush through it several times until the bristles smoothly went through my hair. The sun was starting to rise, the effect of it showing through my curtains. An orange and yellow tinged light fell through them and into my room which was only lit by the fairylights above my bed.

I assumed that my parents were still asleep in their room, considering there weren't any sound of their voices or clanging of plates in the kitchen, like there usually was, whenever they made breakfast. So, I was probably the only one awake unless Brown was too. She hadn't slept with me last night, choosing instead to play with my parents while they watched television in the living room.

The absence of my brother still hadn't adjusted into my life. Often, I would wake up, thinking that he was still living in our home and try to walk over to his room to wake him up, only to meet what's left of his long excursion to university.

I had a similar urge now, to walk up to his room, ask him to wake up and to go on an early walk with me. I could not fulfill the urge for he was miles and miles away, and all I could do was hope that Brown was willing to take a walk with me.

I padded down the staircase as quietly as I could, knowing that my parents were still sleeping soundly and that no one would be happy to be awoken by a loud sound so early in the morning. I found Brown in the living room, curled up on the couch her eyes closed, her small body rising and falling evenly.

I backed out of the living room, devising last minute that I would take a walk alone. Maybe Cameron had really impacted me, because I really craved to go out and feel the cool breeze that I knew morning would bring.

After I've slipped on my shoes, I left the house, the sun was already rising, allowing the beautiful palette of orange and yellow to emerge in the sky, creating a wonderful sight to see especially when the day started at a time I would prefer it not to.

It made me want to wake up early again just to see this beautiful mixture of colour amongst the sky that was forever above us. The streets seemed to still be asleep or had just awoken now, only a few lights from their windows were switched on.

The street lamps flickered off right at this moment and now the light that we would depend on, unless until nightfall came, would be the sun. I breathed in the cool feeling and invited it before making my way off of my porch.

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