Chapter 1

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POV: Peter

I look up to see Flash smirking at me and placing a crumpled test in front of me.

I could already here him thinking, I'm gonna ace this test unlike you, Penis!
Man I hated him.

Mr. Harrington walked down the aisle to collect extra copies and then announced to the class, "This surprise test is something you should do your very best on!" I glanced at the test booklet and saw math equations. What kind of history class was this again?

"You may now begin!" He finished dramatically.

Despite his warning, everyone looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

The test seemed to be a mix of all classes with some really hard problems, but I turned my pencil over in my scarred hand and started writing.


The bell rang and startled the living daylights out of me. End of the day, perfect.

Flash and his goons saw me jump and snickered.

Mr. Harrington and most students were already racing into the hallway, eager to go to their homes and see their parents.

I guess you could say I was less eager to go back to the orphanage I called 'home'.

I was almost out the door with my backpack when I got yanked backwards. I barreled into a desk and tumbled over the other side. Exactly where someone's foot was waiting.

"Where are you going Penis orphan Parker?" Flash said with a cruel grin.

"To your mommy?" Another person said in a baby voice.

"Ohh wait! Parker is an orphan!" A final person said with mock realization.

The group erupted into laughter that hurt my ears.

I tried to stand but instead got a foot to the face. I could feel warm blood coming out my nose. It was probably broken.

Flash and his obnoxious friends kept hitting me, probably bruising my stomach and face.

I snuck a look at my already cracked phone screen and saw that if I didn't leave right now, I would miss the subway.

You might be wondering why I didn't fight back.

My super strength could easily kill and seriously injure him, and I had to protect my identity as Spiderman.

The kicking and punching went on for another minute before Flash's phone chimed.

He checked his brand new phone before launching another insult at me.

"Come on boy's, my father is here to pick us up." They got in a last minute hit on me and swung their bags over their shoulders.

I wiped the trickling stream of blood off my face before making my way to the orphanage.

Also known as my home.

**Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I have some big plans for this book/story.**

Words: 458

Aztecl out

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