Chapter 16

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POV: Tony Stark

I stood outside the kitchen waiting for the perfect opportunity. I thought about what I was going to say, and my brain rattled off the different possible outcomes.

Then, when Rhodey left, giving me weird looks for just standing here, I saw my chance. I took a shaky breath and stepped in. Pepper watched me enter and sit on a stool at the counter.

She knew something was up. While drizzling tomato sauce on whatever she was cooking, she motioned for me to tell her. "So I've been thinking lately, about Peter." The corner of her lips tilt up thinking about the adorable kid intern of mine. "Go on," she pushes.

"You know how you've always wanted a kid? Well... I was thinking we adopt Peter," I say while standing to look into her glazed eyes, as she reflected on what I just said.

Her smile widens and she runs over to me, to kiss me. When we pull away, she cries, "Yes! Yes of course!" I show a goofy, happy, grin and fight the urge to cry happy tears. Tony Stark does not cry, I swear.


POV: Peter Parker

Everything froze. Time stopped. I could only hear ringing and my own heart beating against my chest, pounding to get out and do something. Anything.


I couldn't speak, think, act. I didn't know what to do. I failed to save Henry. Sweet, sweet Henry. He wouldn't hurt a soul, but here he was, dead under a pile of metal.

Just like May. You know why?

Because life wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair for any of us, and won't change.

Everyone I loved, had to die at some point or another, says the voice in the back of head. I decided to name it Paco. So what are you going to do about it, Peter?

I thought about what Paco told me...

I wanted to kill for the first time in my life. Take revenge on the person who had ended one of my friends lives. Adrenaline coursed through me like cheese whiz that one time...  Was I going mad? Yes, yes you are criminally insane, spidey.

It then hit me that I was still in an actively burning building. Smoke still rose around me, completely obstructing my view of the classroom. Embers bounced on the ground and made contact with my suit, making small burn marks on it.

I coughed and sputtered and tried to find my way out. I couldn't make it even twenty feet. I was drawn to Henry's lifeless form.

Gentle hands picked me up and ran fast out of the building from a back exit. I was still gasping for breath.

I couldn't breathe.

I need air, but can't get any with my mask on. I didn't want to take it off in front of a complete stranger, however. As if reading my mind, the man pulled off the mask and I gulped in a large amount of air while tears cascaded down my blotchy cheeks.

"It's okay, Pete, I got you."

My heart stopped again. I blinked away tears and looked into the face of my savior:
Tony Stark.

I started crying hot, waterfalls by the bucket load. "Shh, shh, kid." I gather my thoughts and words before stuttering out, "I understand if you don't want me around anymore, Mr. Stark. I- I know I'm just a- a freak. A terrible, terrible disappointment. I- I couldn't even save-"

He hugged me tighter and tighter and whispered comforting words to calm me. I noticed Natasha standing off to the side. I could tell by her face that she had spoken to the officers already, about... Henry.

Saying his name hurt, a lot.

Eventually I calmed down, and started explaining to Mr. Stark my powers, and the web-shooters while Happy (who wasn't very happy about the sudden request) drove back to my school. At school, I grabbed my backpack from the roof, changed, then got back into the car.

We drove down the city streets of Queens for a while in a comfortable silence. The city was beautiful at this time. Rays of sunlight shone through the white, spotty clouds. A warm feeling was in the air, despite the fire, and the trauma faced by those kids... And not to mention Henry.

We arrived at the tower and Mr. Stark showed me to a spare bedroom. I laid down and Mr. Stark sat next to me. He hugged me again and I apologized for not telling him I was Spider-Man.

"Relax, Petey. I don't care about that right now, alright? I care that you're here and safe and..." He trailed off like he forgot what he was going to say. But I knew better, he knew exactly what he was about to say.

I watch his face, hunting for clues. He wasn't telling me something. "Forgot I'm not supposed to tell you the news yet." I giggle and ask, pretending to be offended, "How dare thou, and what news?" My hand goes up and lands on my chest while Mr. Stark just laughs a real, genuine, laugh.

"Tell you later, kid. Try and get some sleep." By now, I was already starting to drift off, but first I said one last thing- which surprisingly, I didn't regret.

"I love you, dad."

**Awwe poor Henry!!

I felt so guilty writing this, did I make anybody shed a tear?

I have also started thinking about what I'll write after this book. I have an idea for what I want to do, and more clues/information will be hidden in this story soon...

Very soon...


Words: 945

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