Chapter 13

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^ that's the new cover

Everything started to crumple around me, showing everyone in the room that it was not fine.

My trusty backpack took its last breath and ripped in the back. All of my supplies spilled out due to the lack of a proper pencil case. Pencils, pens, highlighters, and two textbooks landed on the floor with a dull thud.

The sudden loss of weight caused me to stumble backwards and trip. My jacket came up and started to choke me, so I quickly pulled it off. I noticed it was soaked in a warm, red coat. Wait, it was still warm...

Shit! My knife wound must've opened again. I knew it was too late to cover up when someone placed a hand on my other, not bleeding shoulder and then pulled my white- scratch that, it was pretty much drenched in a mix of wet and dry crimson.

"Peter, your bleeding!" Mr. Barton almost screamed while Mr. Stark, who had pulled my shirt, his eyes widened when he saw my wound. "Bruce...!" He said shakily as he scooped me up and half ran down the hall to the med bay.

Others tried to follow us, but he waved them off, only allowing Dr. Banner and Ms. Romanoff, probably because she was really scary. "Mr. Stark, don't worry- I'm- I'm fine!"

Mr. Stark was about to say something else when Dr. Banner whispered something to him in a concerned tone. Little did he know that I could hear his every word. "Are you sure he got stabbed, Tony? How does this happen to an innocent kid?!"

Mr. Stark said something back, but I wasn't listening anymore. I was pretty tired, and something about me wrapped in his arms had a comforting feeling. Sleep engulfed me.

POV: Natasha Romanoff aka mama spider

When that kid- Peter, walked through the door, something seemed off. He seemed polite and had a nice smile, but it didn't seem genuine. More like a facade to hide something... But what was he hiding?

I continued to watch him act weird. He took up as little space as possible, didn't answer many personal questions, and had all these cuts and bruises outlining his cheeks. Bullies? An accident? Or... Abuse?

Then, my suspicions rose even further when Peter's excuse for a backpack tore off and made him fall. Blood poured out of his shoulder and leaked onto the floor. A wound of some sorts must have just reopened.

Tony grabbed him and brought him to the med bay, along with Bruce. Tony told me to go away, but I gave him a look that said, Make me. So, I was allowed to stay.

Peter was now asleep on a bed while Bruce removed his shirt. Suddenly, FRIDAY spoke in a panicked voice, "Pepper is wondering where you are, boss." Tony looked annoyed. "Why?" He says, dragging out the word for emphasis. "You're supposed to be in a conference right now. Well actually, it started five minutes ago."

He groaned and muttered something that sounded like, "Coming..." Tony glanced at Peter's sleeping figure and sighed before heading out of the room.

I turned my attention back to the kid, where Bruce had unwrapped his shoulder. I gasped for reasons unknown to Bruce, who thought it was because of the blood.

I had gasped because I recognized the knife wound. It has been quick and delicate. Whoever had done this to the innocent, loveable, Peter, must have pretty high skills at wielding a knife. It was me.

"You okay, Nat?" I nod and release a shaky breath. I was at least able to keep my voice calm as I said, "I'll be right back."

When did I stab a child?! I racked my brain for answers, but came up empty handed. This was somehow my fault. My fault...

I opened the door to my room, watching it shut tightly, and then I sat down on the floor with my back to it. Peter was in pain, all thanks to me. I couldn't even remember the last person I stabbed.

Someone knocked on the door. "Nat?" Clint. I stood and opened the door, and pulled him in. I had to tell him. "Can I tell you something, Clint?"

He sat on the edge of my bed and nodded. "What's up?" I gathered all of my thoughts for a second before saying firmly, "Peter had a knife wound and-"

"He got stabbed?!" Clint's horrified eyed looked into my own. "And the knife wound... It was from me, somehow..."

"But but, that's impossible." We sit in silence. "Something also seems off..." I trail off. "Like...?" Clint questions.

"He's either being bullied, abused, or both, Clint." He was now on the verge of freaking out. Clint had his own kids, so maybe I hit a sore subject for him. "Should be... Ask? Or like, call somebody?"

I shrugged, and replied, "Reminds me of Budapest," to which Clint chuckled. "You and I remember Budapest differently." I was still thinking about that mission when it finally hit me.

The last person that I had stabbed in the shoulder was spiderman.


Mama spider is here and knows something!

The title and cover will change a few minutes from now, just a heads-up.

My mom and I are making cookies right now.   :D

How do y'all feel about Clintasha? Should I do it?

I also might have changed my mind on shipping someone with Peter. Thoughts?

Words: 913

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