Chapter 11

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POV: Peter Parker

Before we left the med bay, Mr. Stark handed me the shirt I was wearing before. I quickly slipped it on to hide the bandages spread over my stomach.

"There's not any avengers here right now... Right?" I look to Mr. Stark for confirmation. He shrugs but then says, "They shouldn't be here, unless the mission ended early."

We navigated through the maze of hallways that made up the living quarters and finally reached a kitchen, accompanying a living room on the left. "What do you want to eat, kid?"

I stop and think for a moment. "Anything is fine, sir- but not like...! Too much. I- I don't want to be a burden to you." Dr. Banner looks at me curiously. "You're not a burden, Peter. How about a sandwich?" I nod and Mr. Stark leads me over to a couch where he tells me to sit.

We sat in awkward silence before Bruce brings over a few sandwiches and a bowl of chicken soup. I start eating like my life depended on it, which I guess it did. Mr. Stark's eyebrows raised as I finished my meal in a mere few minutes.

"Slow down there, kid!" I gulped down one last bite. "Thank you, guys," I say while looking down at my feet. I was probably an inconvenience to them. "Don't sweat it, Pete." I nod and he adds, "It's nice having someone around..." Wait, did he really just say that?

Nobody had said those exact words to me in... I don't know, maybe six years. Mr. and Mrs. Games never say those things at the orphanage- "Shit!" Mr. Stark looks at me. I guess I accidentally said that out loud. "Shit what?"

"Oh well, I- I probably should get back to the... Er- orphanage." Mr. Stark wore a disappointed smile. "I'll drive you, kid- and don't even think about declining." I closed my mouth. I was about to say it wasn't necessary.


When I got home, I decided to go on patrol. I changed into my suit at top speed and his my backpack beneath the floor board. Then, I hopped out the window and heading towards the sound of police sirens.

I took a left turn on the street I was swinging through and went all the way down to find a hostage situation. They criminals had tried to rob a bank, but then realized that they had no chance, thus giving them the idea of hostages.

I landed on the roof and quickly pulled open the vent. I climbed in and crawled across to the right and down, where I made my entrance. "Hey guys!"

They pivoted around to face me, and one guy tried to put a gun against a women's head, but it was far too late for them.

I shot a web and knocked the gun to the ground. It slid in the opposite direction of the group. Another robber, one who wore a mask just to hide the upper part of his face, charged at me. Before the impact, I jumped above him and came back down in front of his body, where I delivered a punch to his face.

My Spidey sense warned me of another one approaching me fast, so I stuck my leg out to trip him. His weight and speed backfired on him and he sprawled out over the guy I knocked out before.

Then, I dodged a few bullets coming in my direction until I got a good swing in to pounce on them.

With everyone taken care of, I breathed out a sigh of relief and handed them over to the police. "Thank you, Spider-Man!" They cheered, and it gave me sense of accomplishment.

Then, I stepped out of the crime scene only to enter another fight with the avengers.

A slight tingle told me that the black widow was watching me. I estimated that she was a little over a hundred feet away. Then, I felt another signal that led me to believe there were more.

I was right, for a second later someone flee right at me. I dodged the falcon and then blocked a hit from somebody else. "You have a metal arm? That is awesome dude!" The Winter soldier seemed unfazed from my comment and kept lunging at me.

I saw an open spot on his left side and shot out a web which got him stuck. "On your left!" He grunted in aggravation while the black widow tried to take me by surprise.

It was no good and since I had seen it coming anyway. I jumped to the side and then shot two more webs out, trapping her hands to her sides. Then, I ignored her final request and threat by leaping off the edge of the rooftop and swinging north towards Park Ground Orphanage.


Can someone please explain to me how this book as about 700 reads and 50 votes?!!

Thank you guys so much!  :D

Words:  837

Aztecl out

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