Chapter 6

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POV: Peter Parker

Delivering papers and coffee sure got boring fast.

I mean, I had been working at SI for about two weeks and I still wasn't allowed near a lab station. They said quote on quote, 'that I was too young and wouldn't understand.'
Bitch pleeease.

It was a Tuesday afternoon and I had raced directly to my station after getting beat up by Flash's gang, leaving me with a rebroken nose.

The ballpoint pen in my hand sat still for a moment as I thought about what to write in my most recent report. Then, I dropped it on the black topped desk and crumpled up the paper to throw away. I reached over to a tray in the corner to get another piece when all of a sudden, a call came in.

I rarely get any calls, but when I did, it was just coffee requests from managers and employees ranked somewhere above me. Most of them were on floors that were between twenty and sixty, anything higher than that was basically off limits for everyone except the Avengers themselves or really high ranked officials.

I redirected my hand to the crappy landline sitting in front of me. "Peter Parker, how can I help you?" I say dully.

"Request for two black coffees, Mr. Parker, on floor seventy-nine." I nod and then realize that they can't see that. "Of course." There wasn't really a point in responding to the message however, as it was FRIDAY who gave the order.

Damn. Whoever requested this must be pretty high rank. It hadn't even crossed my mind that it could be an Avenger too.

My feet automatically steered over to the coffee machine by the water fountain, and I filled two cups to the brim with the steaming, hot liquid. Then, I inserted them into a sytrofoam tray and look for the familiar black lids. Once I spotted them, I grabbed the top few and put them on the warm cups.

I yawned and shuffled towards the elevator doors, still wondering who placed the order.

POV: Tony Stark

I yawned and shuffled towards the elevator doors, still wondering why the Angry Pirate wanted us to find out who the infamous Spiderman was.

I mean, I've seen this guy (or gal) helping around the city before. He doesn't seem like a threat at all. I think the rest of the team agreed with me.

Nick Fury had just briefed us on everything known on Spidey, and there really wasn't much information on them.

Spiderman lives near or in Queens, is really sticky, and had some sort of sixth sense. That's it, not even a name. It was a pretty pointless meeting, but tell that to Pirate himself.

"FRIDAY, floor seventy-nine please," I grumbled, "Oh and send a black coffee my way too. Maybe two actually." The doors shut and FRIDAY spoke, "Yes, boss."

I arrived on the main lab floor and then did a double take. I forgot my laptop in the board room.

I start to walk back to the elevator, but then crash into something, or someone.


My glasses broke today hehe

Words: 530

Aztecl out

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