Chapter 10

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POV: Tony Stank

Over the loud music I was blaring, I heard a ding. I muted the sound and then turned to face the elevator, expecting Peter to come out.

Well, it was Peter, but something was wrong. His eyes looked unfocused and he seemed confused. Then, I saw him collapse, hitting his head on the way down.

"Peter!" I yell, dropping the screwdriver I was holding and sprinting towards the brunette. I tried to talk to him but without a response. The kid had passed out.

I scooped him into my arms and ordered FRIDAY to call Bruce and take us to the med bay. God, why was this kid so light and small?

I stepped into the med bay and gently placed Peter onto a soft, linen bed. Bruce needs to hurry up. Could you tell I was impatient?

Bruce half ran in and came towards us once he spotted me. "What's wrong?" He panted. "Peter passed out in the elevator," I say, still in panicked mode. "Scan him, FRI," Bruce commands the AI.

After a second, she replies in a worried tone, "It seems like Peter has a broken nose, two broken ribs, a broken ankle, a black eye, several bruises and cuts, including a deep gash on his forehead, and my scanners show signs of dehydration and starvation."

Bruce and I both went pale at the sound of his injuries. How does a cinnamon roll get this way?

Bruce rolled over a machine that would supply Pete with nutrients and then said he would need to perform a surgery. I nodded and reluctantly exited the room hesitantly, intending to go to the common rooms.

Steve, Nat, and Bucky glanced up at me when I sit next to them. "Why the long face?" I ignored him and turned my attention to the movie currently playing on the screen.

Nat gave me a questioning look that I once again ignored, starting to get annoyed. "Any updates on spiderman?" I was barely listening, but picked up on Nat saying, "I trailed him last night, but he somehow knew and then disappeared without a fucking trace!" Steve frowned. "Language."

It was too much to handle at the moment, so I grunted and went to the bedroom just to pace the room. Pepper followed me. "What's wrong, Tony?" I stopped and pivoted to face her. "Peter, my intern, collapsed and has some serious injuries."

Her mouth formed a tiny 'o' and she sat on the edge of the bed, motioning for me to join her. I sat down still thinking about the kid. "You really care about him don't you?" I didn't respond, but Pepper already knew the answer.


POV: Peter Parker

Beep beep.

Beep beep.

I woke up to find myself in unfamiliar surroundings. I was in a linen, cloth bed and had an IV attached to my upper left arm. I assumed it was a hospital.

I ripped out the IV and found my way over the windows. The place I was at was way to high to be a normal hospital. Wait... Doesn't SI have a med bay?

Oh no, how could I pass out at my internship! The idea was really embarrassing, but it rendered true and here we are.

But what was even more embarrassing was the fact that I was wearing a pair of pants that I wasn't wearing before and didn't have a shirt. Someone undressed and changed me, meaning they probably saw my ribs and bruises. I noticed my stomach was bandaged up a lot too.

"Dr. Banner and Tony have been informed of your awakening," FRIDAY's voice came in right as Mr. Stark and the Bruce Banner came in. "Oh Peter!"

Mr. Stark redirected me over to the bed I was in earlier and Dr. Banner smiled at me. "Your Bruce Banner...! Oh my gosh, I've read all of your work on gamma radiation and I find it fascinating, sir. You're like... My hero!" His smile got even bigger after my fanboy ramble. "I thought ironman was your favorite hero, Petey?" Mr. Stark says in a mock hurtful tone.

"Oh I- I am so so sorry, Mr. Stark! It's all my fault that I passed out and I'm fine if-" he cut me off and pulled me into a hug. "Oh what are you doing...? This is nice."

He pulled away and asks, "Mind telling us how you hurt yourself so badly...?" I panicked. "Well I... Er- umm, I walked into a door." I say. They both look at me. It's obvious that I'm lying.

"How about some lunch, kid?" Dr. Banner asks. I nod and Mr. Stark helps me up. "Oh and, you need to remember to eat and drink a little more water, okay?" I nod again and drag myself over to the kitchen with the two scientists.

Word Count: 811

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