Chapter 9

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POV: Peter Parker

I helped Mr. Stark on his ironman suit for a few hours. Then, my stomach growled and that alerted him of the emptiness.

"How about you stay for dinner, Pete?" He looked at me from the corner of his eyes. I spoke, "Uhh well... No thanks, sir." Mr. Stark gave me a look. "I can call your parents if that's the problem...?"

I started playing with the flannel collar poking out from my sweater. "I don't think the cemetery is accepting calls," I say, barely above a whisper. "Oh... Sorry kid."

We work in silence for another minute before he speaks again. "I can call the orphanage caretaker. Are you sure you don't want to stay?"

I nod. "I'm sure, Mr. Stark." He blew out an... Annoyed sigh? "How about you come over tomorrow? It's Saturday and you can come at nine." I knew it was inevitable for me to stay for a meal, so I accepted his offer of coming in the next morning. Mr. Stark cracked a smile. "Thanks, kid. Oh, and I'll send Happy to pick you up."

I denied but he promised me that Happy would be there. Mr. Stark just doesn't take 'no' for an answer, I guess.

We finished one last thing and then I started to head home on the subway, taking care to hide my slight limp. I should've left earlier because I was still late for my seven o'clock curfew. That earned me a gash on my forehead from Heather and a night in the closet.

Heather was Mrs. Games girlfriend. I know what you're thinking, Sarah Games was a married women, right? Very true, but whenever her husband wasn't here, she invited over Heather. She was mean and always had a sinister glare outlining her eyes, which were usually coated in dark colored make-up.

Mr. Games was on a business trip at the moment, for his primary job as a travel agent. At least, that's what he told us and his wife. I had always suspected that that wasn't the truth, but kept my mouth shut.

POV: Tony Stark

"FRIDAY, tell me everything about Peter Parker." A few files came up and I selected the topmost one. "Read it to me, FRI," I command the AI while also grabbing a piece of leftovers.

"Peter Benjamin Parker was born August tenth, (insert year here), to Mary and Richard Parker. They both died due to a plane crash when Peter was three years old, where he then lived with his aunt and uncle, May and Ben Parker. Ben was shot a few years later while May was killed in a house fire when Peter was age nine. He moved into an orphanage and currently attends Midtown Tech with a four point zero GPA. Would you like to read more, boss?"

"No thanks." Damn, I was stunned of what this kid had been through. He'd lost everyone close to him.

I knew I had made the right choice of inviting him over and making him my intern. He humored me and brought out a part of me that I thought I'd lost.


POV: Peter Parker

I woke up and stretched before remembering that I was in a small closet to the side of the office. I turned off the alarm on my phone and dressed carefully in the dark to avoid hitting my head.

A few minutes later, a grumpy Heather opened the door and pushed me when I tried to stand, knocking me back to the floor. I guess she had to wake up to let me out in time for my internship.

When she pushed me I tripped over my backpack and sustained a cry. My ankle was still injured and I rewrapped my wound in an old cloth I had found.

I stumbled into the kitchen and made breakfast. I thought about eating since it had been a few days, but decided against it.

Next, I had to cover up the dried blood which clinged to my hair from last night. It looked pretty grim, I have to say. My skin was pale and whiter than I remembered it being, making the purple swelling near my eye stand out even more. I wet a paper towel and rubbed it against my head lightly.

Then, I ran down the steps once I looked presentable and waited for Happy.

He showed up a few minutes later and opened the door. He was also too distracted to look at my hood- covered face. "Thank you," I muttered. Happy didn't hear, but I'm kinda relieved because my voice was weak and I felt my throat burn. I thought about how nice a cool, drink of water would be right now.

When we arrived, he finally noticed my face. "Are you alright, Peter?" I waved him off and limped into the elevator. I had to lean on the wall to remain standing. I gasped and croaked and wondered what was wrong with me.

As if FRIDAY could read my mind, she said with a hint of urgency, "Peter, it seems like you have a broken nose, two broken ribs, a broken ankle, a black eye, several bruises and cuts including a deep gash on your forehead, and my scanners are reporting signs of dehydration and starvation. I advise you seek medical help, would you like my to call Tony?"

"N- no, FRI!" I snapped as loud and fierce as I could muster despite my stutter. The AI stayed quite for the remainder of the ride.

I played with my incredibly dry hands, when I realized something strange.

The room was spinning. In fact, everything was moving at a quicker pace. My breathing, my heart, and ceiling spun round and round, gaining more speed. Faster and faster and faster before engulfing me with darkness.


Remember to vote on the ships at the end of the previous chapter.

And remember that I'm not a doctor or medical professional, so if stuff is wrong then I'm sorry.

Word counts will be displayed now at the end of each chapter of you're interested.

Words: 1023

Aztecl out

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