Chapter 14

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^ I randomly thought of this meme earlier, so thought I'd share it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

POV: Peter

"May!" I pushed away the officer who was holding me back. He tried to follow me, but I started running at my full speed. "You can't go in there, it's dangerous!"

I ignored the warning and sprinted into the broken, collapsing building. May was in here somewhere, I knew it! I had to save her no matter what, hell, I would even reveal my powers just to save her.

I cough and move faster and faster in the rubble which still piled up around me. Voices from outside shouted for me, most likely the paramedics and police. Hoses were firing water, bit nothing was visibly changing. May, May, May... Where was she?

I finally reached our apartment and I kicked down the door. "May!" I screamed and heard a muffled, "Peter?" I navigated through the burning bricks and dense smoke to reach the bedroom.

My stomach did a backflip when I saw what was in there. May's legs were trapped under a falled piece of  metal. "Peter, listen to me, baby-"

"No! I'm not leaving you!"
"You have to... Don't worry about me, okay? Promise me something... You'll-"

Tears sprang to my eyes, either from the sight of my beloved Aunt, or from the black cloud surrounding me and her. I felt like it was only us in the world. I wasn't listening. I couldn't make out the words, even with my enhanced hearing.

That was the last time I saw May, before everything completely collapsed around us. In both of our final attemps to save each other over our selves, we spoke at the same time.

"Peter, get out of here!"
"May, I can get you out!"

Then, the final piece of ceiling caved in and fell right on top of her. On top of my last remaining family member. She was all I had left...

Because everyone close to me had to die at some point or another.

I woke up startled while tears burned in my eyes and ran cold down my cheeks. Taking a look at my hands, I saw the darkened, not faded out, scars of the fire. The fire where I had lost May. Normally my scars heal, but these were too deep and painful. I was so preoccupied with my palms, that I yet to notice the two other people in the room.

"What's wrong, Peter?" Dr. Banner said, a little uncomfortable with the situation of a crying teenager. "Just... Just a nightmare..." Why did I have to be so weak? I bet other people don't have these visions like I do. It was probably a sign of weakness, displaying how silly and gullible I really was.

The other person in the room spoke up, to fill the silence in the room, "Everyone gets nightmares, Peter. Even me, and Tony and Steve." I looked at Ms. Romanoff curiously. "Really, Ms. Romanoff-"

"Call me Nat, kid. I'm here if you want to talk, okay?" I nod and notice the bowl of tomato soup next to me. Oh yeah, I passed out at work again. "Hey, Bruce?" The doc looked up from a paper. "Hm?"

Nat cleared her throat again. "I wish to talk to Peter alone... If you don't mind?" Once he was about of the room, I slurped the soup up awkwardly. Nat scanned me up and down. I was pretty tense right about now. What did she want to say?

"So... Spiderman huh?" I spat out the hot soup I had just basically inhaled. It landed on the creme tiles of the med bay. "What about him?" I choke out quickly, trying to make my voice sound stable, but failing miserably as every word wavered.

Did Nat know who I was? How, when what?! The avengers must know I'm spiderman, right? They were going to experiment on me and- and see for themselves how weak I really was. Peter Parker, the weak orphan who could shoot webs.

I almost forgot she was still on the room. "Peter, relax. Only I know, and I won't tell a soul." Despite what she said, I panicked and ripped the IV from my arm. Nat tried to hold me down, but I shot a web to the high ceiling and swung up, landing at the top on all fours. "Wait... Did you say you wouldn't tell anyone?"

She nods, amazed by my powers. I lowered myself back to the bed, and she helped reattach the IV so that the doctor wouldn't notice. "That stuff coming out of you?"

"It can, but it's a lot weaker than what I use for my web-shooters. I found that out the hard way and that really hurt because I-" Nat cut me off before I could ramble about how I had fell on a car that one time.

"How and when did you get these powers of yours?" I think for minute, then excitedly tell my story, eager to spill my guts to someone other than Ned and MJ.

"When I was fourteen, I was on a class field trip to Oscorp, and I got lost while taking photos. I wandered into a small room with nothing but several sealed crates, a desk, and a bulletin board hanging above it.

"I peeked at the board out of curiosity, and saw a lot of meme notes about spiders along with research papers. While I was reading it, I saw one crate was open a crack: revealing a red and blue colored spider. Well, it was also radioactive meaning-"

"You got bit by a radioactive bug?!"
"Spiders are actually arachnids, but anyways, I got home and didn't feel so good. (A/N: sorry not sorry >:D) I slept for several hours and woke up fine. Then, I realized that I had spider-like abilities."

"Wow..." Nat murmured, after processing my story of Oscorp. "You're not going to tell anyone, right?" She shook her head and gave me a smile smile, extending her pinky finger. "Pinky promise, alright?"

I mimicked her and then FRIDAY called out in her classic Irish accent, "The boss is on his way to see you, Peter. Oh, and he told me that the Scary Russian Lady, needs to go fuck a duck."

She starts towards the common rooms to give me a minute with Mr. Stark, when she stops and remembers something. "Kid, just remember that we're not supposed to know each other, okay? If I'm sent to capture you with the team, I can't pretend to go easy on you."

"I'll keep that in mind... And thanks."

**So I think I'm going to try for about 25 chapters, but seeing as this is chapter 14 and I haven't even hit the two major plot events... It's probably gonna be more.
More is better right?

I also wanted to see if y'all wanted to do a QnA for 1k- well more like 1.5k reads. It means the world to me guys, a random 13 y/o author.

Comment here if you have questions about me or the book! (☞゚∀゚)☞

Words: 1147

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