Chapter 5

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POV:  Peter Parker

As much as I was curious, I headed out of the kitchen and back to my room. I dug in my backpack and found my chemistry homework. It was due on Monday, and since we're not allowed out of the orphanage, I might as well do it.

Then, I walked down the hall towards another flight of stairs. They were slightly unstable, so nobody went up in the attic. I could go up because my Spidey sense would warn me if something happened.

I got in about an hour of studying before I heard Mrs. Games call my name with a hint of disgust... And happiness? I'd never seen her 'happy' side before.

I dropped my red pen and walked down the stairs where I saw her exit my shared bedroom.

"Oh there you are," she said, sounding disgusted with me. Which I guess I was.

I didn't eat much this morning, only a few bites, so my healing factor hasn't really kicked in. I probably had several bruises and a broken nose.

And also a black eye because she just bitch slapped, no punched, me across the face.

"That's why we don't sneak out, Parker."

Before I could muster my courage and reply, she pushed me against the wall.

"You have a new internship," I gasped and the warden continued, "At Stark Industries."

TiMe SkIp To MoNdAy

"You got an internship at fucking Stark Industries?" I think you could tell that Ned, my best and only friend, was a little too excited about my position.

I nodded and repeated what Mrs. Games told me (for the sixth time), "I start today after school and work until seven."

We were at my locker talking about the new Lego set Ned had got the night before, and me being an intern.

"Ask if you could come over some time, dude," He told me, "It's a huge set and you can help me!" I shrugged. "Will do."

I knew there was no way that I could possibly go, but Ned didn't need to know that. We had one class left in the day, history for me, and English for Ned.


"Shit shit shit!" I blurted out in frustration. I was going to be late on my first day and then I am going to lose my internship.  Calm down Peter.

Flash hit my head against the locker earlier, which really slowed me down. It also didn't help that it was fucking twenty-two degrees outside, and without the warmth of my hoodie, my teeth were chattering really hard.

Despite her telling me 'no' this morning, I gave up my oversized hoodie to a small girl at the orphanage. I also was trying to make an impression on my supervisor, meaning that I wore a short flannel shirt underneath a grey sweater.

I glanced at my watch before starting to sprint which would hopefully warm me up and lead me to Stark Tower faster. It worked, but my backpack was taking a beating.

A few minutes later, I made it and stopped to admire the glistening tower in front of me.

Shiny, recently washed glass shined all the way up to the very top floor. The silver accent going around the building really highlighted it well. Then at the top, the Stark Industries logo stood proudly.

I snapped out of daze and walked to the doors. Then, they proceeded to open for me automatically like at the grocery store. But instead it was a high tech grocery store that didn't quite sell products.

I stepped in and was met with a warm smile from a short teenager with cropped blonde hair. "Ah, Mr. Parker," she began with her face not changing, "I see you've finally arrived!"

"I'm- I am so, so sorry about- about being late!" I stammered out. "That's okay, Mr. Parker."

"My name is Laura Gordon, and I will be your supervisor," she said. Ms. Gordon motioned for me to follow her towards the elevator where she gave me a dark blue badge to wear at all times.

I pinned it to my wrinkled jeans, and then she spoke, "FRIDAY, floor fourteen please."
"Yes, ma'am."

The elevator jolted upwards at a high speed and took us to floor fourteen. When we got, I noticed a lot of cubicles, some big, others small. Some had computers and phones while a few even had lab stations or just phones.

We walked past one with a lab in progress and I watched in amazement.

Then, she led me past it to a cubicle with only a phone.

"Alright, Mr. Parker!" Ms. Gordon exclaims, "Here is your new work station. Your job is to write up some reports and deliver some coffee, or answers phone calls." I look at her startled. "That's it?"

But she already started to walk away and ignored me.

Why don't I get to work in a lab?


Our poor Petey can't work in a lab :(

I'm proud, this was the longest chapter in this book so far, standing at 850 words!

Words: 850

Aztecl out

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