Chapter 2

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I lived at Park Ground Orphanage, which was about an hour away from my school. That's why I usually took the subway.

But today I missed it and that really sucked, because it was a little under thirty degrees outside.

We didn't get many winter clothes, or even regular threads, so I was wearing a hoodie that was too big and jeans that I pretty much wore daily. And beneath the hoodie was a short sleeve shirt, also way too small for my size.

I was shivering so hard that I think my lips were blue.

At least I could see my home now, for it was about fifty yards away. I sighed and quickened my pace.

I knew I was in for a beating when I got there.

All kids were supposed to return immediately after school, unless they had special permission from the warden- er, I mean Mr. and Mrs. Games.

Mrs. Games ran the place and took very little care of us, as she hated kids. Her husband was even worse. He beated us until blood showed.

Perfect couple to run an orphan home, yeah?

At least he let me take the other kids punishments. They told me not to, but I couldn't stand to see the marks and blood on the little ones hands and skin.

It doesn't bother me anymore, especially with my enhanced healing powers. I could take their hits.

I opened the door as quietly as I could, but a loud creak alerted everyone to my presence.

My theory proved true and I felt my Spidey sense tingle right before I got smacked on the head with a glass bottle.

The glass shattered and I think a few pieces cut my cheeks.

"Where the fuck have you been, Parker?" Mrs. Games demanded from me, also grabbing my collar and pulling me up. She was pretty strong not gonna lie.

"I missed the subwa-,"

"My ass you did!" She was pissed.

I heard a slight sniffle from the corner near the stairs.

A pale boy with flaming red hair and matching freckles saw me. He sat in the BC. The BC, also known at the 'beat chair', was where you sat before you got punished.

I motioned for him to crawl upstairs before I got smacked by a belt. Mr. Games was here too.

"I'll take over for Henry's beating, sir," I managed to croak out. I also coughed out a bit of blood.

"What he do?"

"That stupid boy," she said, dragging out the word 'stupid', "Got suspended for fighting!"

I knew there was no way Henry started a fight, but I also knew that I should shut my mouth.

Boy was I in for a treat tonight.

**Hey hey hey, kind readers!**

I just wanted to say that I made up the orphanage name, so sorry if it's actually a real place. I've never lived or gone to New York, meaning that some things might be off or wrong.

Please give feedback if you notice something weird! :)

Words: 509

- Aztecl out

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