Chapter 3

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**I've been writing a lot lately, I know.**
I mean, I started this book today and I'm on chapter three already, NANI?!

Fresh blood dripped deeper onto my neck and slowly trickled down my back.

They sure beat the hell out of me.

I was pretty sore, so I couldn't even see straight. I wasn't sure if it was safe to be Spiderman tonight.

The thought hurt worse than my cuts.

I had to help people no matter what, right? That's what a superhero did and what I was known for.

I lay on a cot that smelled like barf. I was far used to it by now though.

I shared a room with three other boys; Henry, Jacob, and Luke.

Luke and Jacob were in seventh grade at the local middle school, while Henry went to a different high school than mine.

Henry usually helped me make breakfast in the mornings and whenever we can, dinner. I knew he didn't start a fight or anything in school.

But here he was, suspended.

Because life wasn't fair.

It never was destined to be fair to me, after Ben, May, and my parents.

But I still believed like an wishful child.


Once I was sure everyone was asleep, I reached under my bed and felt for the rickety floor board.

My hand felt a wooden plank that didn't fit right, and I pulled it up to reveal my hiding place.

It was a small hole in the floor, not too deep, but still good enough for me to hide my spiderman suit.

I had made it myself once when I found some materials to use. It wasn't top-notch in any way, but it worked for my needs.

I replaced the suit with my slighty torn backpack and tiptoed to the orphanage bathroom. The only one in the whole building. Pretty crappy, yeah?

I quickly changed and and then opened the window.

A chill wind blew in making me shiver. I really needed to find a way to warm up the suit.

I hopped out onto the ledge and shut the window with a quick web.

Then, I swing out into the night looking for crime.


POV: Tony Stark

"Mr. Stark," FRIDAY said in a monotone voice, "The Midtown Science and Technology test results are in."

"FRIDAY, sent the highest scorer's records to my phone." I say while writing one last report for the night.

I stood and did one last sweep of the lab before walking over to the elevator.

I head up to the penthouse and join everyone else for a lasagna dinner, courtesy of Rhodey.

"Nah, I think spiderman could totally beat you in a fist fight," Clint remarked to whoever he was in an argument.

"He's right, you know," I say, like it was an obvious fact. Which it was, I might add.

"That's a first, Clint," Nat says from across the table while grabbing another piece of Rhodey's amazing cooking.

"Ah thanks, Ton-"

"Now shut up, Katniss."

Clint goes silent while everyone else keeps talking.

Pepper walks in and grabs the seat next to me.

"I heard the results are in, who's the new, youngest intern ever?"

"We're getting a new intern?" Rhodey pipes up. Tony nods and mutters, "He's a high school sophomore."

A chorus of wows chorused through the team and Tony finally got to the test scores.

The top scorer, and new intern, was named Peter Parker.

"Ever heard of a Peter Parker?"

The group fell silent.


"Well, I guess we'll know on Monday," I say, a little bit excited.

This kid was top of the class by a landslide, with an impressive grade.

**Hey hey hey everyone!**

I hope I wrote Tony's perspective okay, lemme know what you think. :)

How do you guys like the book so far?

Words: 641

Aztecl out

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