Chapter 18

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Morning came way too soon for my liking. I didn't even realize until I woke from a short nap and shuffled around for my phone in the darkness.

I didn't get a lot of sleep, as I could hear every word of the divorce taking place in the kitchen. Apparently, Mrs. Games hadn't been the only one cheating on their partner.

My phone lit up a bit when I turned it on, making it able to identify an engraving on a metal plaque hanging on the closet wall. I had never noticed before.


I didn't know what it meant and ignored it until Paco came along. Probably a message from the author about their next book. It will most likely suck worse than this one. I think Deadpool was a bad influence on him. I mean, who is the author?

Paco also started having an argument with the quote on quote 'author', who I couldn't see or hear.

I softly smiled at my home screen. It was a picture of me and Mr. Stark standing side by side with his arm slung around my shoulder. A notification popped up, obstructing my view of the screen.

It was a text message from an unknown number.

You're hard to contact, Spiderman.

Who is this?

Nick Fury

We want you to work with us, Peter.

How do you know who I am?

Nick Fury

I have my ways, though I do
admit that it took much longer
than anticipated.

Keep in contact,

I have yet to tell the others your


Okay, Mr. Fury, thanks.

I sighed and checked the time again, feeling rather impatient. I also felt like the closet had shrunk without my knowledge. I was trapped with the walls closing in on me.

I took deep breaths and calmed myself down from a panic attack. Closing my eyes, I kept the light out and managed to fall asleep again.

POV: 3rd Person

Tony was giddy with excitement, as today was finally the day when Peter would officially become his son.

Pepper had just barely convinced Tony to sleep that night, when his alarm went off. He woke up his fiance, showered, dressed, brushed teeth, and finally made his way to the penthouse kitchen, ready for breakfast.

He found Steve and Sam in athletic clothes drinking glasses of water. Steve looked like he hadn't even broken a sweat, but you couldn't say the same for Sam.

"Why are you up so early, or did you even sleep?" The billionaire just walked past them and cracked some eggs into a pan sitting atop the stove.

"Pep and I are adopting Peter today!" Tony exclaimed, talking so fast that he actually resembled Peter.

They continued to chat until Pepper told Tony they were going to be late unless they left now. The couple were to stop by Park Ground Orphanage for their appointment at eight o'clock; it was already seven thirty.

When they arrived at the brick, polished building, nothing was out of the ordinary. Tony walked up to the door and knocked, alerting the owners of their presence.

The door opened to reveal a tall, stocky man in his late forties standing next to an attractive blonde who was at least ten years younger.

Something was off about their smiles, too fake and pleasent to be real, but Tony and Pepper decided to wait to talk.

They were lead inside to the sitting room while the mistress went into the office to grab the paperwork. Then, her husband went to grab the kids before Tony had even said what age they were looking for.

Troy Games returned with seven small children ranging from ages six to twelve following him. They sat on the floor without saying a word. Sarah Games returned with a thick booklet in her arms.

Tony turned his attention to the papers and talked to Sarah and Troy. Pepper's eyes scanned the kids, looking for Peter, but they stopped when they didn't see him anywhere.

"I'll leave you two to decide, so go ahead and meet these lovely children!" The Game's both walked away quickly to another room in the house. There was definitely something going on with the way she called them 'lovely'.

"Somethings wrong... Peter isn't here and those people are hiding something."

"Agreed," Tony turned to the nearest child and asked gently, "Do they ever hit you? Or say bad things?"

The girl in front of him was too scared to speak, so another boy did for her. "Not us because Peter takes the hits..."

Pepper and Tony shared a worried glance and looked around the room again, which only confirmed that their kid wasn't here.

One of them pulled out their phone and called the authorities for help arresting the owners.

Tony ran into the other room, ready to kill. Instead, he yelled, "Where the hell is Peter?"

Sarah tried to cover, but her husband spoke up first, only making them look worse. "Oh please, you don't want that kid. He's a huge trouble maker!"

"Uh huh, and Santa Claus is a Nazi. Answer the god damn question!" Tony's hand was suddenly covered in a repulser, much like the ones on his armor.

They turned pale at his threat. Sarah pointed at a closet down the hallway.

Police had arrived and were talking with Pepper and the orphans while two officers marched into the room with Sarah and Troy. "You both are hereby under arrest."

Tony half ran down the wall and blasted open the door, the light flooding in to reveal his kid.

He looked bewildered, "Mr. Stark! What are you doing here?"

Tony sat down on the floor with him and ran his hand through Peter's curls, finally giving him a hug.

"Peter," he started, but then the smaller male started talking instead, "I'm so so sorry, sir, that I didn't tell you and I'm so stupid, I know, I know!"

He sobbed into his future father's shoulder. "Kid, guess what?" Peter stopped momentarily and looking up into an excited Tony's face.


"How do you feel about the name Peter Parker-Stark?"

**I'm sorry guys, but I think next chapter might be an epilogue, and then a sneak peak at my next project. ;)

I know I said 25 chapters, but I'm really eager to work on my next book. I actually have two ideas, so I might even publish two stories at the same time once I get one underway.

Hint hint: it's Hydra related with our poor cinnamon roll

Words: 1094

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