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"Remind me why I let you do this?"

"I bargained with fudge," Ginny responded, dropping a decent-sized box on the counter, wrapped with a ribbon. Hermione took it and put it in her suitcase for the trip.

"Life of the party is here, we can start," Pansy announced, popping into the kitchen with Theo on her arm. Upon seeing that no one was there yet, she frowned. "There goes my dramatic entrance. If I do it again will you pretend to be excited?"

Hermione snorted, shaking her head. "Hey, Theo."

"Hola," he said, making himself at home and dropping down onto the couch. "How's it going?"

"It's going," Hermione said mildly. Draco hadn't come home the night before. She'd called him, but he didn't pick up, only sending her a strained text that read, Spending the night at my parents'. See you tomorrow.

She didn't know what was up with him, but Luna had promised she would drag him out of wherever he was to come to this ridiculous party.

Pansy noticed his absence almost immediately. "Where's the plant boy? He lives here, he shouldn't be late."

Hermione shrugged. "Don't know."

Her tone must have come across as more annoyed than she'd intended, because Pansy's eyebrows rose and she said, "Okay, tiger. What's going on?"

"I don't know," Hermione said. "He didn't come home last night."

Ginny frowned. "Where was he?"

"He said he was at his parents', but he ignored my call. I dunno, Gin, I think I'm being ridiculous."

"It's not ridiculous to be upset, You're leaving for three weeks and he can't be bothered to spend time with you?" Pansy huffed. "If Theo did that, I'd give him a right talking-to!"

"Good to know," Theo mumbled. Ginny smirked.

"Luna said she'd make sure he got here," Hermione said.

Ginny said, "Luna always comes through."

Pansy sighed. "I guess you're right, but I'm still going to beat Draco up if he pulls something ridiculous."

"I'll join you," Harry said, Apparating into the kitchen just in time to catch the end of her statement.

Pansy snorted. "Appreciated, Potter."

Harry shrugged. "He giving you problems, Mione?"

"No," Hermione said. "Don't worry about it."

Pansy muttered something under her breath, and poor Harry just looked utterly confused, as he was prone to do.

A knock at the door announced Blaise's presence. He liked to enter parties through the door, instead of Apparating. He insisted that it was more polite, but Hermione suggested that he just liked to have an unusual entrance. Ginny opened the door for him, and he said, "Why, hello."

She laughed and pulled him inside. Blaise said, "The gang's all here."

Then he frowned after looking around and realized that the gang was not all there. "Where's Draco and Luna?"

"Dunno," Ginny responded.

"They'll be here soon enough," Hermione said.

Sure enough, Luna popped into the room, holding onto Draco's shoulder. He had an unreadable expression on his face, and Hermione was instantly uneasy.

"You're late," Blaise informed them.

"You got here two seconds ago," Theo said, snorting. Blaise just shrugged.

"Hermione, can I talk to you for a second?" Draco said, voice strained. Hermione bit her lip, ignoring Ginny and Pansy's looks, and said, "Okay, sure."

They went into the bedroom and closed the door behind them. Draco let out a breath and ran his hand through his hair. "You can't go on this mission."

"Excuse me?" Hermione said, taken aback. Draco wished he'd chosen his words better, but nevertheless, plunged on.

"You can't go on a mission with Abraxas Waten," Draco said. "He's too dangerous."

"This again!" Hermione exploded. "Why do you all hate him so much?"

Draco stared at her. "Is that even a question?"

"Your prejudices are just- just so stupid!" Hermione shouted. "You don't show up to spend time with me the night before I leave and then this?"

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"You just what?"

"I didn't realize who you and Potter were going with. If it was anyone else- hell, even one of the Carrows, it would be fine, but Abraxas-"

"This is getting ridiculous," Hermione muttered. All of this, over a stupid school rivalry? Hermione crossed her arms. "You cannot tell me what to do, Draco Malfoy."


"No," she snapped. "I am going to go and enjoy the party that Ginny and Pansy planned, and then Harry and I are going to go on our trip. I'm sorry that you decided to choose today to throw a fit over one of my coworkers."


"This conversation is over."

She walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Everyone was suddenly looking everywhere but her and she groaned internally, knowing that they had just heard every word of their argument loud and clear. Except for Pansy. She exclaimed, "Abraxas Waten?"

"Throwing a party without me?"

And then all eyes were on their silver-eyed, unexpected guest.

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