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In accordance with Hermione's certain prediction, the case was ruled in Pansy's favor. Pansy collapsed into Theo's arms in relief as they left the room, Harry whooping with joy.
    "I knew it," Blaise said certainly.
    "No, you were afraid," Luna said calmly. Blaise scowled at her, and Ginny laughed.
    "We should go celebrate," Pansy declared, already back in good spirits.
    "As long as there's alcohol, I'm in," Ginny said good-naturedly.
    There were general noises of assent until Luna spoke up. "I'm sorry, I can't."
    "What?" Pansy asked.
    "I have an appointment to make. Very important, you know."   
    "Oh," Pansy said. "That's okay."
    "I can't either," Draco said. Hermione frowned up at him- that was the first that she had heard of it. "It's for our shop. Business meeting."
    "Oh," Pansy said again, looking slightly put-out. "I hope it goes well."
    "Wait, Draco," Hermione said, tugging on his sleeve as everyone else walked ahead and Draco and Luna were about to Apparate away. "You'll be within ten kilos, right?"
    "Oh, shit," Draco muttered. "I forgot about that."
    "I can't bail on Pansy," Hermione said sternly. "You saw how disappointed she looked."
    "Shit, uh- oh, why don't you just have the celebration at our apartment? They make themselves at home well enough anyway."
    "Okay. I'll Apparate home first, okay? And then you go to the shop."
    "I'll text you when I get there."
    "Okay, love. See you later, then."
    "I love you," Hermione said, giving him a short kiss.
    "I love you too," he said, and Hermione rushed to catch up with the others. She explained quickly her restrictions with her and Draco's distance, and they were all quick to agree, understanding immediately. Pansy, Theo, and Blaise volunteered to pick up the food and alcohol, and Ginny and Harry would Apparate to the apartment with Hermione. Astoria had opted out of the party, for the time being, saying that maybe she would stop by later.
    Harry Apparated Hermione through Side-Along and they met Ginny in the living room. Pansy, Theo, and Blaise returned a half-hour later, and by then Hermione had texted Draco and he was off to his meeting. Thank Merlin his and Luna's shop was within 10 kilometers away.
    They had a good time- the most fun that Hermione had since before Abraxas. Well, except the night she had gotten engaged. That had been quite fun. At almost midnight, Blaise declared that he was tired, but Ginny refused to leave.
    "Come on, just a little later," she insisted.
    "No, Gin, I've got a meeting at eight, remember?"
    "Okay, but I'm staying," Ginny said, crossing her arms and looking very much like a tantrum-throwing toddler.
    "Hermione will take care of me," Ginny insisted. Hermione raised her eyebrows, glancing at the empty wineglass in her hand. "I'll what?"
    "Yeah, it can be a girls' night!" Pansy said enthusiastically. "We haven't had one in a while, and you know, Hermione just got engaged, lots of things to share-"
    Theo rolled his eyes and Blaise sighed, waving his hands. "Fine, fine, whatever."
    Harry shrugged. "Doesn't affect me."
    "Shut up, mate," Blaise said.
    After Blaise, Harry, and Theo had left, Hermione checked her phone again. No word from Draco and it was just after midnight. He would usually be home by now- well, no. Recently he had been staying out late without telling her where he had been when he returned in the morning, usually falling into bed with a, "Nothing important."
    Pursing her lips, she set her phone down and resolved to give Pansy and Ginny her full attention, with no worrying about Draco. Unfortunately, that did not happen, because the second she tuned into Pansy's stream of speech, she heard his name.
    "I don't know why Draco didn't come," Pansy said, sounding hurt. "I didn't want to say anything- I know he's been busy, but still. I would have liked him to be here."
    "It was a bit odd," Ginny said. "Luna, too, but she doesn't go to a lot of parties."
    "But Draco loves parties," Pansy said dejectedly. "I don't know... Mione, did you know that he was going to be busy?"
    "No," Hermione replied. "He's been really busy lately, I don't know where he is half the time. He comes home late or not at all."
    "He what?" Ginny asked, her face screwing up in disbelief.
    "He's just been busy, that's all," Hermione said quickly. "He always makes time for me when I ask, and you know he planned that whole gala for me..."
    "You shouldn't have to ask," Pansy sniffed, her expression wrathful, but then again, she was already ticked off. "He wasn't like this before."
    "Before the accident?" Hermione asked skeptically, sarcasm dripping from the word that everyone had termed their whole encounter with Abraxas as. She sighed. "I don't know. I miss him."
    "I would too," Ginny said quietly. "It's hard to say, isn't it. Because he's right there, but he's so far away."
    Hermione looked at her friend- this is what she had hidden deep down about her relationship with Harry. She had only spoken about this specific feeling once- once when she was absolutely hammered. Ginny almost definitely didn't remember it, but Hermione did. Hermione said slowly, "Yeah, Gin. It's exactly like that."
    She and Draco were not going to be like Ginny and Harry. Hermione fiddled with the pretty engagement ring that Draco had slid onto her finger a mere few days before. He loved her. She knew that he loved her. She just barely knew what he was thinking anymore. And today- Hermione had to press to get him to tell her what was on his mind after he had snapped at her. She chewed on her lip as she thought.
    "This is royally fucked, Mione," Pansy said loudly. Hermione looked up, snapping out of her thoughts, then at the empty bottle of whiskey in her hand. Perhaps now was not the best time to take her friends' commentary to heart- Pansy was definitely drunk, and Ginny was well on her way to meet her.
    "It's whatever, Pans," Hermione mumbled, resisting the urge to look at her phone.
    It was about three in the morning when Pansy began to drift off to sleep. Hermione sat in the kitchen alone, her friends passed out in the living room, brewing a pot of tea. She couldn't sleep, despite the heaviness weighing down her eyelids, so she decided to have a tea. If that didn't put her to sleep, then she would give up.
    "Ah, Merlin."
    Hermione turned to see Draco, perplexed, standing in the doorway. A pop sounded, probably Luna Apparating away after dropping him off.
    "Hey," Hermione said quietly. The earlier discussion bounced around in her head and she glanced at him sideways as she pulled out the mugs.
    "Can I have a cup, please?"
    "Of course."
    "Thanks, love."
    He looked exhausted, his hair a mess. Draco leaned against the counter, eyes closed, before saying, "Why are Pansy and Ginny drunk on our couch?"
    "Girls' night," she said shortly.
    "I see."
    She handed him his tea and sipped her own without looking at him. He sighed, and still she did not pay any attention to him, instead taking a long sip from her cup. He sighed again, obviously trying to start a conversation, then giving up and saying, "What's wrong?"
    "What do you mean?" Hermione evaded, setting down her mug. She still didn't look at him.
    "You're being... I don't know. Off," he said.
    "Well, sorry," Hermione said.
    "What's wrong?" he asked, frustration leaking into his tone.
    She looked at him. "Where were you?"
    Draco frowned. "Is that it?"
    She waited. Draco said, "It doesn't matter."
    "I'm asking you," she said, careful to keep all conflict from her tone.
    He blew out a breath. "I was at the shop."
    She pressed her lips together, and he frowned again. "What?"
    "Nothing," she said, taking another sip of her tea. "Go on to bed, I'm sure you're tired."
    Draco didn't say anything for a long time, then said, his voice small, "Why are you being like this?"
    Hermione looked at the ceiling. "I just- I just miss you. You're always gone and you never tell me about anything anymore."
    "I've been busy-"
    "I know. I know you've been busy. I just feel like you're too busy for me."
    Tears welled unbidden in her eyes and she looked at the floor, uncertain. Maybe she was being ridiculous.
    She felt him gather her into his arms, rest his chin on top of her head. Only when he held her tight and said, "I'm never too busy for you, sweetheart," did the tears flow freely. Draco stroked her hair, whispering comforts to her. When she had calmed down enough, he said, "I'm sorry."
    "For what?" she asked.
    "For making you feel that way. And for not telling you."
    "It's okay," Hermione said quietly. "You won't do it again."
    He smiled. "I won't. That feels a lot like a threat."
    She sniffed. "Maybe it is."
    "I'm so sorry, my love, I'm never too busy for you. I'll be more cognisant from now on."
    "Okay," Hermione said. "Good."
    He laughed quietly.
    They were tucked up in their bed after Hemione had draped blankets over her two friends, and Hermione said, nestled into his chest, "Why didn't you come to the party today?"
    "You'll see."
    Hermione frowned. "What? Draco."
    "You'll see! At brunch on Sunday, I promise," he said earnestly. She lifted her head to look at him and found nothing but honesty and good humor in his grey eyes.
    "Fine," she grumbled.
    "Oh, did you see that you got a letter?" Draco asked, shifting to get it off of his bedside table. "It was outside the front door. Really weird, maybe it was an owl?"
    "I forgot to take down the mail charm from earlier," Hermione yawned. She had banned owls from the house the day before because she didn't want owls at the door causing attention and leaving droppings while they were at the court case. She ripped open the letter, her bleary eyes registering Ron's mess of handwriting.
    I'm good whenever. Number's below, shoot me a text when you want to go.
    Hermione squinted at the number, typing it into her phone. She sent off a text to Ron and Harry, asking to meet up the next day. Both repled within minutes with an affirmative, and Hermione rolled her eyes. They should be asleep- but she couldn't say that, as someone who was also awake at this ungodly hour.
    "Are you nervous?" Draco asked quietly as she plugged in her phone.
    "A little," she admitted, pulling up the covers and snuggling close to his heart. "But I'll be fine."
    "Harry's got you," Draco said, rubbing her back. She hummed in agreement.
    "And you."
    "And me. I've always got you."

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