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Shutters went off on all sides and before Hermione could even do anything they were off with a pop.

As soon as they landed, Abraxas had her wand and she was bound in a total-body bind. He wiped his mouth with his hand, disgust evident on his face. "That was appalling."

"What the hell?" Hermione snapped at him.

He rolled his eyes at her. "Do shut up."

"I demand that you release me," she said firmly. "This is improper conduct. You are a Ministry employee."

"Oh, but Miss Granger, I am not," Abraxas said with a sly grin. "Perhaps in legality- but in reality-"

"You're back," a feminine voice purred from somewhere Hermione couldn't see. Abraxas dropped everything to turn toward it, a fire switching on in his eyes. "Natalia, how I have missed you."

Hermione was glad that she couldn't see them.

"Is this the mudblood?" Natalia asked, her voice liquid velvet. "Hm. She is not so beautiful as the papers paint her to be."

"No, she is very ugly," Abraxas said dismissively. "Even her boyfriend will not contact her, will he?"

Hermione ignored the jab. Natalia hissed at her reaction, a razor-sharp fingernail sliding under her chin to yank her face toward her. Hermione's eyes met Natalia's, emerald-green slits leaking pure venom. "Do not ignore him, mudblood. Remember your place."

Hermione snapped her teeth at the girl and she retreated with a little shriek, looking horrified. Abraxas snorted slightly at Hermione's response, then said, "She is of no use. Take what you need, then we will leave her."

Natalia muttered under her breath before stalking up to Hermione and ripping out a handful of her hair. Hermione cried out in pain as her scalp smarted, tears springing to her eyes. "Shut it," Natalia said angerly.

"Tilly, bring her to the basement," Abraxas said impatiently. Crack. An obviously malnourished house-elf stood before him, quivering with fear. "Of course, Master. Tilly will be prompt, Master."

The house-elf grabbed Hermione's arm and brought her to another room, then simply left her there.

Hermione looked around then closed her eyes, wishing that she was anywhere but there. The basement looked like the Malfoy Manor's, every detail the same, but she couldn't be there, because the upper floors didn't match. She began to hyperventilate as she recalled Bellatrix, grabbing her face, the scars still itched into her arm. Her vision began to funnel.


"Tilly is so very sorry, Tilly has forgotten to bind you," the house-elf cried out to Hermione. Hermione gathered her thoughts and willed herself to think straight, then said kindly, "It's quite alright, Tilly."

Tilly gave an anguished cry then said, "Do not speak so, Miss! Tilly has not done what her Master has told her to."

"Don't worry, Tilly."

"Do not speak so, Tilly begs! Do not be so kind," Tilly cried.

"Tilly, who is your master? Do you know who he works for?"

Tilly blinked, startled, then said, "Master does not work for anyone but himself, no. Master never even worked for his uncle, no, no, Master had his own plans."

"Who was his uncle?"

Tilly gave an enormous shudder then said, "Tilly-Tilly does not like to speak of him, Miss, but he was known to Master's kind as the Dark Lord and oh, Misstress Natalia's mother's was his dearest friend, oh, how Tilly had been treated by her-"

Hermione blinked, startled. "Natalia's mother was Bellatrix?"

"Do not speak her name, Miss!" Tilly cried. "Tilly should not have told you these things, Tilly must punish herself now-"

Before Hermione could urge the house-elf not to do such a thing, she had disappeared with a crack much like the one that she had appeared with.

Hermione leaned her head back against the stone, thinking everything over. The panic was dull, unfocused, and she hoped that it would stay that way until she figured out some sort of solution for her current predicament. Here were her facts:

1: Abraxas was the Dark Lord's nephew. According to Tilly, he worked for Voldemort but had his own plans. This was why Blaise and Draco disliked him, not because he'd gone to Durmstrang.

2: Natalia was Bellatrix's daughter. She would probably be after the Weasleys, since Molly had killed Bellatrix, which meant that Ginny and her mother were in danger.

3: Abraxas and Natalia had some sort of plan.

4: Natalia took her hair, which meant she had a prepared Polyjuice Potion. Which also meant that everything was probably about to go to hell.


Blaise burst into Draco's office, panic in his eyes, "No- don't-"

He trailed off as Draco set down the Daily Prophet on his desk. Luna peered over his shoulder at the newspaper, curious as to why Blaise was so worked up about it. Her eyes widened.


"There's no way she did it on purpose," Blaise was already off, trying to spot damage. "Look at her, she looks bloody uncomfortable! Phone up Potter, I'll bet he's got an explanation-"

"I never should have let her go like that," Draco muttered. "I was a bloody prat, and look what's happened. I deserve this."

"Don't talk like that!" Blaise snapped. "She would never cheat on you."

"Blaise is right," Luna said slowly. "There's something wrong."

"I don't know," Draco said. "I was a right prat to her. Ignoring her right before she left? No wonder-"

Blaise slapped him. Draco stared at him, startled, then looked down, shamefaced. "You're right, Blaise. Hermione would never cheat on me, she's not like that."

"Thank you," Blaise said impatiently.

"Phone up Potter," Draco said to no on in particular. Luna took the phone and dialed.

"Oh, hello, Luna. How are you?" Harry asked, sounding surprised to get a call from her.

"Just fine, how are you? How's Hermione?"

"Hermione? She's great, over here actually. Did you want to talk to her?"

"Er- yes, actually, I would," Luna responded, hazarding a glance at Draco. Blaise whispered, "She might sooner talk to Luna than you, Draco, don't say a word."

"Hi, Hermione," Luna said lightly.

"Hello." Definitely Hermione's voice, but a guarded, almost irritated tone accompanied her words. Luna frowned instantly, put out. She'd never heard her friend speak like that before. "What do you need?"

"I just wanted to check in," Luna said, faltering. "I saw the newspaper-"

Hermione laughed, but it wasn't her laugh. They all traded glances. "I should've guessed. You're upset I left that mess of a man, aren't you?"

Draco's jaw tightened and Blaise put a hand on his shoulder, a silent reminder for him not to lose his shit.

Luna shifted uncomfortably and said, "I was a little curious-"

"Don't you worry yourself. I can deal with my own affairs," Hermione said. "Goodbye."

The phone hung up and the room was silent.

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