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Hermione landed in Scotland with a massive sigh and Harry patted her shoulder sympathetically.

Abraxas landed with a little huff, smoothing his suit. "Well, that was certainly an event."

Hermione gave him a weak half-smile, and Harry said, "We had better get settled in."

"Our new home for three weeks," Abraxas said, a faraway look in his eyes. Hermione eyed him curiously before picking up her luggage.

"I s'pose this one's yours, Mione," Harry told her, already checking out all of the rooms in the small apartment. Three bedrooms in a neat little row with a bathroom they had to share, a living room kitchen/combo with a large, picturesque window adorning the west wall. Hermione tried not to dwell on the fact that she had to share a bathroom with Harry, who was messy but not all that bad, and Abraxas, whom, she could tell by just looking at him, spent at least two hours tops in the bathroom every morning. She resolved to wake up earlier than him.

"Thanks, Harry," Hermione said as she passed him. She lugged her suitcase behind her and threw it onto the bed with a sigh, looking up at the ceiling as the bare, windowless walls seemed to close in on her. She hated the room already, not that she would admit it to herself. She had come here to have a good, successful mission, and ruining it for herself right off with a bad mindset would not get her anywhere. Taking a glance at her phone, she saw message bubbles popping up from everyone who had been at that disaster of a party- except Draco.

She sighed again. What had his deal been?

He had never been like that ever before- even with Ron. Abraxas couldn't be that bad, could he? Perhaps it went deeper than a school rivalry, something from their childhood. She supposed that she shouldn't make guesses toward their relationship, but still, it couldn't hurt them to try a little harder to make amends, would it? And by them, she meant Draco. Abraxas was always perfectly genial, even if he was absolutely obnoxious.

"Home sweet home," she heard him sing from down the hall. Harry groaned in the next room over, and she smiled slightly. She knew that they did make a great team, despite their incredible differences. Their dynamic together was so off from what the Golden Trio had been, but altogether refreshing and enjoyable for her. She knew that sometimes, when it was the three of them planning or talking or just having a good time and she caught a bit of a shadow on Harry's face, that he was thinking of Ron.

And she would be lying to herself if she wasn't as well. Hermione missed them all together. Her, Ron, and Harry, just simply friends of the best kind. It was years that they had been inseparable, it was difficult to go back on it now. But she didn't regret her decisions, and there was no point in wishing for the past.


"My room is awfully dreary," Abraxas declared with a dramatic sigh as he flopped onto the communal couch. Harry sat himself down as well, stretching his arms above his head. "Mine as well. Couldn't hurt to have a window in there, could it?"

Hermione murmured in agreement as she pored over the plans for the next day. It was simple, just observation in behaviors and all, but she still wanted to be sure of it all. Abraxas and Harry both sighed at her, Abraxas announcing, "Hermione Granger, you need to take a break. Honestly, I have never seen you not working. How about a drink or something of the sort?"

"Oh, I don't know," Hermione said doubtfully. "I want to be on top of my game for tomorrow..."

"One drink wouldn't hurt," Harry said, warming to the idea.

"I guess it'll be alright," Hermione relented.


CALLER ID: Draco Malfoy

Abraxas stepped over Hermione's prone form carefully, as to not wake or disturb her. She had passed out about half past ten, and Harry was in the restroom, taking his sweet time. Gingerly, he picked up the cell phone, horrible Muggle device, and pressed answer.

"Hermione? Please, can we talk? I'm so sorry-"

"Your girlfriend is indisposed at the moment," Abraxas said coolly into the receiver.

He could just see Draco stiffen, his eyes flashing with rage. He thought it was quite amusing, that such anger from a Malfoy would be directed at him. "What did you do to her?"

"Absolutely nothing!" he declared, his voice more innocent than an angel's. "Harm my dear coworker and friend? I would never do such a thing."

"Why do you have her phone?"

"We happen to be in the same space, my dear friend, and the noise was disturbing. Any other questions?"

He paused for a moment, then asked, "Where's Potter?"

"Oh, in the restroom. Would you like me to pass the phone to him? When he returns, I mean."

Draco hung up the phone. Abraxas smiled to himself, tucking the phone back under Hermione's arm. Yes, it was going very well.

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