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She turned. Blaise held a hand out to her, expression neutral. "It's time."

Hermione took his hand and they walked over to the small group. He gave it a light squeeze and let go, and Hermione gave him an appreciative smile. She was glad to have such supportive friends, especially now.

She was so scared.

What if they got there and Draco was already dead? What if Natalia and Abraxas got away? What if everything went wrong and everyone was killed and-

"Stop overthinking," Harry whispered, coming to stand next to Hermione. Kingsley had begun his instructions and Harry gave her a You Okay? look. She shook her head.

"How do you always know?" Hermione whispered back.

"You're an open book," he replied with a grin. It was quickly replaced by a serious expression. "It's going to be okay. In and out."

"In and out," she repeated.

Kingsley said, "Everyone clear?" and was met with a chorus of "Yes, sir!"s. Hermione took a deep breath.

They moved out.


Hermione was placed with an Auror she didn't know, but gave her an understand smile as he Apparated them to their first location. The first three homes were duds. Blaise's mouth grew tighter and tighter with each dead end and even Luna's expression grew more dejected.

"Come on, guys. It might be the next one," Harry said, trying to cheer them up. No one responded to him, and Hermione said, "Thanks, Harry."

He shrugged. They Apparated to the next location and Hermione hissed immediately, "This is it!"

They were shrouded by greenery surrounding the house, and at Harry's signal, the Aurors got into defensive positions.

"On three," he said, loud enough for his voice to carry but not too loud for the occupants of the home to hear. "One... two..."

"Unnecessary, Harry."

Pansy let out a shriek of anger when Abraxas Apparated into the clearing just outside the house. Hermione looked at her, startled. She had almost forgotten Pansy and Theo were there.

Natalia popped into space next to him and Hermione's heart dropped into her stomach. She held Draco at knifepoint, and his face was smeared with blood, but still defiant. She wanted to rush in but her common sense held her back.

"Give him to us," Harry said calmly, stepping into open ground.

"No," Abraxas said pleasantly. Blaise growled under his breath, and Hermione caught Luna placing her hand on his arm in warning. "You see, that'd put quite a... damper on my plans. I say you let us or. Or I kill him."

"No!" Hermione shouted, before clapping her hands over her mouth. No. No. This could not be happening.

At the sound of Hermione's voice, Draco grew visibly upset. He snapped something at Natalia and she jabbed him in the side with her wand. Hermione's hands clenched into fists.

"No."  Harry's tone was mild, but his eyes were angry. Abraxas laughed.

"Fine, then, have it your way."

Three things happened in quick succession after that.


Before anyone else could react, Blaise whipped his wand up and sent a well-aimed Stunner at Abraxas.


Natalia rushed to him, dropping Draco. Harry, Hermione and Pansy rushed forward.


Natalia took out her wand and screamed,

"Avada Kedavra!"


(a/n: short chapter but more coming soon! i'm glad you guys enjoy this so far :))

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