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    "Hey, Draco? I need to talk to you," Harry called. He knocked again, but no one was answering. Odd, because they were always awake at this time. He walked up and down the hallway, then came back and knocked again, as if that would make him suddenly appear. Who knew? There could be an enchantment like the RoR placed on it since he'd left.
    He was kidding himself, obviously that wasn't the case- but he didn't really want to consider the alternative, that there was something very, very wrong.
    Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed Pansy Nott's phone. He had tried Blaise already, and he hadn't picked up. Pansy answered with her characteristically annoyed tone, saying, "What do you want, Potter? It's eleven-thirty."
    "I can't find Draco anywhere, and I need to talk to him," Harry said quickly. Pansy was silent for a moment, then said, "Did you try Blaise?"
    "Yes, and he won't pick up either. Neither will Ginny."
    "What about Luna?"
    Pansy inhaled sharply, muttering something to someone else on her side, probably Theo. "None of them... this isn't good. Where's Hermione?"
    "Well, that's exactly the problem," Harry began. "She's-"
    "Wait, Potter, where are you right now?" Theo asked, proving his guess correct.
    "Outside their apartment," Harry answered sheepishly.
    "That won't do... Apparate here, there could be a problem," Pansy said.
    "Okay- what do you think-"
    "If this had happened and Abraxas Waten wasn't involved, maybe I would think it was a coincidence. That man destroys everything he touches."
    She hung up the phone.


    Draco was woken from his fitful slumber by a groan, followed by a swear. He jolted awake, exclaiming, "Hermione! Are you alright?"
    She leaned her head back against the wall, her cheeks spattered with blood and dirt, but of course she was still the most beautiful witch in the world. "You're an idiot," she said weakly.
    He hadn't been expecting that. "What?"
    "You should have just... kept your mouth shut," she chastised, a small grin on her face.
    "He would have done it anyway," Draco sighed. "He's crazy, I told you."
    Hermione rolled her eyes. "Honestly, I told you that you're a target, didn't I? And you still came instead of getting help. You're an idiot."
    "Sorry," he said, flushing. She shook her head, still smiling. "But Blaise, Ginny and Luna should be contacting the Ministry right now."
    Hermione tilted her head. "I doubt it."
    "What do you mean? They came with me to Scotland, but I was the only one who Apparated here."
    "Didn't you hear Abraxas? 'The whole collection'. That has to mean his other targets. I don't think he's talking about his toy cars."
    Draco groaned, muttering a curse under his breath. "This isn't good."
    "Really," Hermione deadpanned.
    "Someone has to notice we're gone," Draco said. "All of us missing is going to raise some red flags."
    "Is it?"
    "To Pansy it will," Draco insisted. "She'll be able to get us out."
    Hermione said, "Worst comes to worse, we have to get ourselves out, we can't rely on some wild thread of hope. Any bright ideas?"
    "No," Draco muttered.
    "I figured as much," Hermione said lightly. "Luckily for you, I have twelve."

    "What's wrong with Ginny?" Blaise asked Luna.
    He had woken a few minutes ago to the sight of an exasperated-looking Luna, Ginny passed out on the floor, and all of them bound with an unnecessary amount of rope. They were in what appeared to be a children's classroom, a science lab, he thought, with no windows. Some sort of loud noise was blaring outside, which was quite annoying. He would have liked to think of his impending demise without any distractions, thanks very much.
    "She passed out. She's blind," Luna said calmly, shaking a strand of her wispy blonde hair out of her eyes.
    Blaise almost didn't register the meaning of the words that she had spoken, what with the cool way she'd delivered them. Then he did a double take, surprise etched on his face. "She's what?"
    "Blind. Dosed with something. Must have been that Natalia girl," Luna responded, shrugging.
    "She's blind? Is she alright?"
    "Just peachy," Luna said sarcastically.
    "She's fine," Luna said, "don't you worry your little self."
    "Will we be able to reverse it?"
    "Well, no. But there are some very promising potions that are up-and-coming for this ailment, you know. Draco and I could always experiment on her-"
    "Oh, you're no fun."
    A lock turned, and the door creaked open. Before anything, Blaise saw bright green eyes, followed by orange hair and a horrible, feral grin. Natalia- he'd done this to Ginny. He felt a surge of rage, but was unable to do anything. The restraints held him tight. Natalia watched him, amused, as if she knew everything going on in his head despite the fact that he had given no indication of it. Luna just sat impassive, her bored gaze roving over the girl. Dismissive.
    "I see you've all woken," Natalia said.
    "Realized that all by yourself, did you?" Blaise snapped. Natalia looked at him, appearing collected, then was on him in the next second, a knife in one hand and a wand in the other.
    "I'll teach you not to step to me," she hissed. Blaise leaned away from her, nose wrinkling in distaste. He had to admit that sassing his very violent captor was not the best way to get out of this without a problem, but thinking things through before doing them wasn't really his strong suit.
    "Why are we here?" Luna cut in, her quiet voice carrying over to them with enough authority that Natalia stopped.
    Natalia turned to her, discarding Blaise as if he was a toy she'd bored of. "Wouldn't you like to know?"
    "Yes. I would," Luna replied.
    Natalia scoffed. "You'll find out soon. Perhaps not you, but certainly the little redhead."
    "What are you going to do to her?" Blaise exclaimed, trying to stand, forgetting the restraints that pulled him down. Natalia laughed.
    "You'll see," she said, before leaning down and blowing a translucent powder into his face.

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