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Draco finally spoke. "Natalia- Bellatrix's daughter."

Ginny blanched at the mention of the woman. Blaise said, "We should have known. They were never separated for very long, were they?"

"Natalia is probably posing as Hermione- or one of Abraxas's minions. I have to go to her," Draco said.

"Draco, no," Luna said. "Didn't you hear what she said? You're a target. They staged that whole thing with Abraxas just to lure you in. We need to go to the Ministry now. Harry's in danger."

"I can get them out," Draco insisted. "I know where they are- it's the Malfoy's vacation home. I had thought it was lost, knocked down, but I suppose that Abraxas took it over and fixed it up."

"No. We're going to the Ministry," Blaise said firmly. "Think clearly, Draco. They have more resources than just us."

"Us?" Draco smiled grimly. And then Disapparated.


Blaise swore loudly, and Ginny exclaimed, "The nerve of that bloody idiot! We are going after him."

"None of us know where he went," Blaise said.

"Luna can track him," Ginny said, turning to her friend, who was finishing up her soda. Luna shook her head. "I used the spell already today. It has to recharge."

Ginny swore even more colorfully than Blaise, and Blaise stared at her. "Merlin, that was excessive."

"We're going to the Ministry," Ginny snapped.

"No, you're not."

They whirled, saw emerald-green eyes sparkling with savage mirth, then nothing.



Hermione whirled at the sound of someone Apparating, then panicked when she saw Draco. "No, leave now!" she said in a strangled voice.

"Hermione," he gasped. "Are you-"

"She's just fine," said another voice, and Draco stiffened upon realizing that they weren't alone in the room. Abraxas melted out of the shadows, his smile positively appalling. "You, on the other hand..."

Draco felt his wand be wrenched out of his pocket and looked down, startled, at a little house-elf, before she disappeared with a terrified look on her face. Draco groaned internally. Of course! This was something he didn't say often, but- he should have listened to Blaise.

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